Chapter 1

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*Angelina Romeo* 

 "Mom?" My voice echoing throughout the hotel room. "Honey I'm in the kitchen with Jason." I smirked and walked down from the foyer, into my favorite room. There, at the counter, was sitting my mom and Jason. His eyes immediately went up, and a smile came onto his face when I entered. That smile brought me into a different world. We both stared at each other until my mom said my name. "Angelina? What did you need sweetie?" As she was looking at me, Jason winked, and I knew exactly what he wanted me to do for him. "Can you come in the hallway with me?" She got up, and followed me.

Let me just tell you something. I have depression. It's pretty hard for me to make friends, but if I am lucky enough to make them, my mom will do just about anything to help me keep them. Since we moved from New York, here to California so my mom could tutor seven boyz on some dance show, I have been using the whole 'she will do anything for me' thing, for not such a good thing. She tutors math. My mom usually teaches Jason the most, because he isn't really to good at it, nor does he like it. The thing is... I really like him. I like him a lot. My mom knows that too, so if I ask her to let Jason go so him and I could hang out, she probably would let him. "Can Jason and I go to the pier?" I asked, sticking my bottom lip out to do the puppy dog face. She sighed, and after a moment, of thinking, she nodded. I smiled, and threw my hands up to hug her tightly. 

I walked back into the kitchen, and over to the counter where Jason was sitting. "Do you wanna go to the pier with me?" I bit my bottom lip, and he looked over at my mom. "You are free for today Jason. Go have fun." She smiled, he left all his stuff there, before he walked into his room to get some money. We shuffled over to my room, and just as I was about to open the door, Jason started speaking. "Don't worry beautiful. I'll pay." He assured, putting his hand on my shoulder. His touch put shivers down my spine. "Are you sure?" I asked, turning around, closer to him then I have ever been before. "Oh I'm sure." He smirked, taking a little step forward. My breath hitched, and that's when he stepped back a little and let me walk in front of him down the hallway and into the elevator. 

Once we got down to the bottom floor, we waited in the lobby for Vinny. After about five minutes, he finally came down. He was sporting a "Boys will be boyz" Black, blue, and white shirt, a pair of black basketball shorts, and a pair of Vlado's. "C'mon children!" Vinny stated, not looking up from his phone. "Yeah let's go so he can see Gabbie."  I smirked. Jason laughed and Vin turned around and glared at me. "Shut up." He joked, and walked ahead of us, a bit faster this time. Wow he really wants to get there and see her. 

Within ten minutes we were there. "She said she is by that pizza place. Hey look there!" Vinny began running. I saw from a far, as I walked with Jason, a beautiful girl. She smiled and put her arms out as he ran into them and spun her around. Jason and I caught up to them just as Vin put gabbie down. "Hey doll!" I smiled at her as she pulled me in for a hug. "Okay so what do you guys wanna do?" Gab asked, looking up at Vinny who was staring at her. She blushed and Jason started to talk. He then got cut off by a few girls who walked up to us. "Oh my god. You are part of the ICONic boyz. Oh my god. Genni! Oh my god." One started freaking out and jumping up and down. I looked at Vinny's girl, and she was already looking at me, trying to hold in her laughter. "You guys handle this. Ang and I are going to run inside and go to the bathroom." Gabbie kissed Vinny's cheek and then I started to follow her in. But before I could get even a foot away, I felt my arm being pulled back. I turned around, and Jason's lips came in contact with my cheek. I blushed and then walked back over to Gabbie.

"Ohhhh! I saw that." Gabbie winked as she dragged out to the H in oh. I giggled, and then felt my cheeks heat up. "Awe your blushing! That's adorable!" She walked into the stall, and I walked into the one next to her. As I was going to the bathroom, I heard people come in. "Oh my god. Did you see Jason kiss that girl?" A high pitched voice said. My heart beat stopped. I saw something come under the stall. It was a phone. I picked it up and read what was on the screen. 

Don't move. I didn't earthier. The girls continued talking. "I asked him about it. He said that he's only doing it to get out of class or something. That girl just gets him out of everything. Okay I'm done. Let's go get pizza." As soon as they walked out, I flushed the toilet and walked out. "Angelina." I turned around, coming face to face with Gab. "What if that's true?" I asked, holding back tears that were in my eyes, threatening to spill over at any second. "There is no way that is true. You know he isn't like that." I nodded, and sniffled, holding the tears back as we walked out. Waiting outside was Vinny and Jason, who seemed to be talking in shushed voices. "Oh hey girls." Jason smiled at me, his hazel eyes glistening in the sun light. He extended his hand, wanting me to hold it. I put my hand out, and his fingers intertwined with mine. Shivers went up my spine as he smiled at me, and squeezed my hand as he rubbed circles into the back of my hands with his thumb. 

We walked out of the restaurant, and towards where all the rides were. Jason payed for me, even after for my attempts to not let him. "Oh shush. I'm paying for you." I smiled at him, and we went our seperate way from Vinny and Gabbie. "So what do you want to go first?" He asked me, looking straight into my eyes. After a minute, he asked again and I came back out of my day dream. "Oh.. Uh? How about... That ferris wheel?" I said nervously. He nodded, and then we walked up to the worker, gave him some tickets, and then we got in it. He sat across from me, and I looked ou the open part of the cage we happened to be in. The sunset was beautiful. All that was on my mind just so happened to be what had happened not to long ago in the bathroom. Were they lying? Did they know I was in the stall and they just wanted to hurt me some way becuase they were jealous? All these things kept going through my mind unitl Jason snapped me back into reality. 

"Angelina. I am going to do something. But you have to promise me you won't slap me." I laughed, and I had just then realized we were stopped at the top. Jay scooted over to me, and then stared straight into my eyes. Before I knew what he was going to do, he started leaning in. I leaned in, and our lips touched. His hand made his way up to my cheek, and mine made it around his neck. A few seconds later he pulled away. I started blushing and he hugged me tightly. 

Before I knew it, we had already made it back to the hotel. Jason brought me up to my room, and stood there for a few seconds. "I had a lot of fun tonight." I smiled. He nodded and began speaking. "Yeah I did too. I don't know where Vinny and Gabbie went but we made it back alright so I guess it's no big deal." I laughed and he then kissed my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked. He nodded and started to open his door. "Hey uh Jay?" I asked. He turned around, smiling at me. "What are we?" His eyes seemed to widen a bit. And his hands tensed up as he turned the door. "Were friends." 

*Jason Smith*

"Hey uh Jay?" I turned around, faking a smile. "What are we?" That question scared me. My hands began tensing up. "Were friends."  I never opened and closed a door so fast in my life. "Mikey!" I yelled. He came running. "What happened?" He asked, dragging me into the bedroom we had shared. "I kissed her. I shouldn't have. I just needed to make her think I like her. I had to. I didn't know what else to do. I can't have her hate me or not like me because then she won't get me out of class with her mom anymore. I need to get out of that. It's horrible. Absolutely horrible and I can't do it." 

"Your in for it Jason. You never should have kissed her. You wasted your first kiss on her too didn't you?" That had just hit me. Wow I wasted my first kiss just so I could get out of class. "I don't know what to do. She asked me out there what we were! I told her that we were just friends." I panicked, putting my hands through my hair. "All I can say is that your in for it. You never should have kissed her." Mikey then walked out of the room. Wow I'm such an idiot." 

A/N Hey guys! So I hoped you liked this chapter! I had the honors of doing the first chapter and as I am writing this, Sav is currently reading it. Aha! Well anyway I worked on this chapter for awhile and I hope that it came out alright and I just wanted it to run smoothly for all of you. So I hope you enjoyed it. I love you guys so much tthank you for reading(: <3 ~Ang Smith 


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