Chapter 9

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Laura's P.O.V.
"So how do we want to start?" Nozumu asked me. "Well my idea was we learn first our two songs and after that we will learn a short choreography." I explained. "I agree with you so when we dance we will sing as well so we don't forget the lyrics okay?" Nozumu asked me. I just nod in agreement.

~~~After an hour of lyrics learning~~~

"So now let's start with the choreography." I say. "Okay do you have any ideas what we could do for the choreography?" Nozumu asked me. "I will show you okay?" I asked. "Okay let's start." He answered. So we started and after a while we heard that fans had come to see our practice. They said a lot of nice this like you are so good together no wonder that you are the first of Dance and beauty class or I ship you two so hard. I must have to say I really think I have a littel crush on him because he really is like a prince for me and he threads me like a princess. After a while we did a littel break so we could answer a few questions from paparazzis and out fans.
"Laura what is your relationship with Nozumu?"Asked one reporter (it's the reporter from one of the first chapters) As this question came I started to blush and looked at Nozumu for help who also heard the question. "We are really good friends and the perfect partners in my eyes and someday who knows maybe there is going to happen something between us or not." Nozumu said while we had his arm around my waist and whispered to me "I hope I did say anything wrong and by the way you look cute when you are blushing". I looked at him and blushed even more and for a second I thought I saw a him blushing a bit. I nodded at him and looked at the reporter and said "exactly what he said." He nodded and wrote it down on his notepad. We totally forgot about Nozumus arm around my waist. A lot of people were taking pictures then we realized were Nozumus arm was and we stepped a way from each other.
After 2 Minutes the security came in and took them outside I think that means that the visit time for our group is up. "Hey Nozumu?" I asked him "Yes Laura. what is it?" he answered "The next group is Kanako or not?" I asked him. "Yes Kanata and Ako are next why?" Nozumu aked me "No reason." I answered. And then we started again.

~~~~~~Ako's P.O.V~~~~~~

"So kitty when do how long do we still have till our fans come to ask questions and to see our training" Kanata asked me. " well first of all don't call me that and second think they will be here soon so let's practice once more before they come so that we don't emberass ourselvs in front of them okaz Kanata?" "yeah but lets start with the singing aswell because I think we dont have long to learn okay Kittty"I nodded and pretended not to hear that he called me kitty again. After sometime of training we heard a lot of noise and as we knew that our fans were there so we stopped at got our water and waited for our fans to arrive. We were impress how many where ehre but I'm also really happy to see all of our fans here we gave a few autographs and a few interviews. There was one reporter left who wanted to speak to Kanata and me together I was surprised because till now we only had interviews alone without the other. We looked at each other puzzled but walked over to him

So Saotome-san und Kira-san I have a few question from your fans for you and please answer thames honest." The reporter told us. Kanata and I just nodded. "Number one is for Saotome-san were you happy when you got Kanata~kun (he is reading the question from is phon so he isn't saying san)?" "Well I I had a mixture from happiness and sadness. I was a bit sad because I'm only used to work with girls but I was happy because I can see that he is working a lot for M4 and his friends and after a while when he first showed me the choreography I could see that he worked really hard on it to show his passion for dancing and I think I do know now why he is on the top of Dancing Class in the boys division." I said smiling to the reporter and to Kanata.

Kanata's P.O.V
"So Kira-san what do you think about Ako~chan?" "Oh well what can I say....... I was kind of happy to have her as my partner for this competition because she is different on stage and backstage she can dance she can sing she is an excellent actor. She shows the fun she has and I think that one of the thinks a like and lot of other people like on her as well. I could go one like that because I have the perfect partner who also tells me if I do something wrong or something like that but I can also can say if she does something wrong and she he will do it again and again till she thinks it's perfect." I said smiling and look at the kitten next to me who had a littel blush on her checks. "Okay thank yo that was all can we have a picture of you two tighter for your fans?" He asked. "Sure why not." We said in unison.

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