Partners in Crime

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“Sherlock, stop it!” Molly hissed as his lips travelled across the back of her neck.

“Hmm..” He responded while his hand played with the underside of her shirt teasingly.

“I actually have to study, you know?” She told him , while trying to resist the temptation to just give in to his kisses. They were sitting on her bedroom floor, surrounded by chemistry textbooks. Sherlock had come over this Saturday morning to ‘study’, but he hadn’t gotten any wiser on the subject of chemistry since he had stepped across Molly’s threshold. Not that he needed to.

“No, you don’t. You already know all this stuff,” He said in a husky voice, when he finally took a break from inspecting her neck with his lips. “Besides, studying is boring. You’re being so boring right now.”

Molly suddenly got the image of Sherlock as a little boy, constantly nagging everyone to play with him. He was such a baby sometimes.

Before she had the chance to respond though, his hands suddenly circled around her waist. In one swift motion he pulled her into his laps, away from her textbooks.

“Sherlock. Let me go. Now.” Molly told him the most authoritative voice she could muster.

“Uuhh….No.” He considered her request in a sarcastic tone, while he pulled his arms around her even more tightly. Molly suddenly felt his lips right behind her ear. On exactly that one spot. Asshole.

With her cheeks still flushed, Molly made her first attempt to escape. She needed an A and she was already behind in chemistry (thanks to Sherlock). She wasn’t going to let him win this one. She decided to stay friendly at first. She put her hands on top his and tried to peel his arms from her waist.

She wasn’t certain how he did it, but in one extremely quick movement his hands were on top of hers and their fingers intertwined.  With her own arms underneath his, he pressed her hard into his chest and whispered in her ear with a deep voice; “Hhmm, alright. This is a game we can play.”

While she could still feel his hot breath on her neck, Molly decided that he didn’t deserve her friendly approach anymore. With all her strength she slipped her right arm out underneath his and pushed her elbow hard into his stomach.

For a split-second Sherlock lost his grip on her and she quickly slid off his lap. Her attempt to escape didn’t last long, though, since Sherlock immediately grabbed her wrists. Before she realized it, he had her pinned to floor. He held her hands tightly above her head and straddled her hips between his knees. From this position she stared right into his eyes that had an extremely devious expression on them.

Suddenly he lifted his left hand from her wrist, but not before grabbing both of them in his right one. His free hand moved to her mouth, slowly stroking her bottom lip with her thumb. Molly heard her breath catch and immediately turned bright red. When she saw the smug half-smile on his lips she felt the urge to try to fight him once more, but on the other hand she wanted to tell him to stop teasing and just kiss her already.

Before she had the chance to act on any of these feelings, Sherlock brought his lips to her ear and told her in a voice that sent tingles down her spine; “I think I quite like this game.”

Molly let out a sigh, what resulted in his hand travelling away from her lips.

“You know, there might have been upsides to you helping the police the last few weeks.” She tried to sound unaffected by his thumb slowly drawing circles on her neck, but failed miserably. Her words did have the desired effect, though.

Upon hearing about his success with helping to get Rob charged for all the crimes he had committed in the last month he immediately decided playtime was over. He released Molly’s wrist and helped her sit up, his entire demeanor suddenly a lot more composed.

Deerstalker - a Sherlolly storyWhere stories live. Discover now