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If mercilessly gouging both my eyes meant that; nobody on this boundless planet would ever be born pathetically blind once again; then gouge them this very minute and without the slightest of circumspection; O ! Almighty Lord,

If ruthlessly snatching all my wealth meant that; nobody on this fathomless planet would ever be born disastrously poor once again ; then snatch it away this very minute and without the tiniest of skepticism; O! Almighty Lord,

If barbarically decimating both my arms and legs meant that; nobody on this infinite planet would ever be born treacherously maim once again; then decimate them

this very minute and without the most insipid of comprehension; O! Almighty Lord,

If murderously extricating all my repertoire of charismatic smiles meant that; nobody on this timeless planet would ever be born morbidly impoverished once again; then extricate them this very minute and without the most infinitesimal of deliberation; O!

Almighty Lord,

If ominously pulverizing all my voluptuously exotic beauty meant that; nobody on this fascinating planet would ever be born lecherously ugly once again; then

it this very minute and without the most minuscule of contemplation; O! Almighty Lord,

If satanically emptying my stomach even of its last morsel of tantalizing food meant that; nobody on this everlasting planet would ever be born devastatingly hungry once again; then empty it this very minute and without the most frigid of speculation; O! Almighty Lord,

If diabolically numbing the chords of melody in my throat meant that; nobody on this gigantic planet would ever be born ludicrously dumb once again; then numb them this very minute and without the most evanescent of thought; O! Almighty Lord,

If invidiously tricking my senses into a dungeon of venomously lethal scorpion meant that; nobody on this bountiful planet would ever be born manipulatively cheated once again; then trick them this very minute and without the most ethereal of pondering; O! Almighty Lord,

If salaciously exploiting every iota of my ravishingly titillating flesh meant that; nobody on this endless planet would ever be born tyrannically mutilated once

again; then exploit it this very minute and without the most diminutive of rumination; O! Almighty Lord,

If heinously stealing all my ability to magically discern the cadence of piquant sound meant that; nobody on this enchanting planet would ever be born horrendously deaf once again; then steal it this very minute and without the most inconsequential of

cogitation; O! Almighty Lord,

If insidiously poisoning every element of my robustly scarlet blood with debilitating disease meant that; nobody on this mesmerizing planet would ever be born

brutally incapacitated once again; then poison it this very minute and without the most inconspicuous of musing; O! Almighty Lord,

If horrifically inflicting my flamboyantly glimmering eyeballs with an unfathomable ocean of despairing tears meant that; nobody on this blistering planet would ever be born pathetically lamenting once again; then inflict them this very minute and without the most minutest of pensiveness; O! Almighty Lord,

If cannibalistically snapping every iota of my spell binding memory meant that; nobody on this marvelous planet would ever be born insanely lunatic once again;

then snap it this very minute and without the most lackadaisical of reflection; O! Almighty Lord,

If deplorably annihilating all job opportunities for me even though I brilliantly dazzled meant that; nobody on this gorgeous planet would ever be born

staggeringly unemployed once again; then annihilate them this very minute and without the most capricious of thinking; O! Almighty Lord,

If savagely destroying every trace of my resplendently twinkling reflection meant that; nobody on this majestic planet would ever be born disparagingly orphaned once again; then destroy it this very minute and without the most remotest of afterthoughts; O! Almighty Lord,

If maliciously inebriating my patriotic will power to unflinchingly fight meant that; nobody on this glorious planet would ever be born nonchalantly sluggish once again; then inebriate it this very minute and without the most infinitesimal of

brooding; O! Almighty Lord,

If manipulatively corrupting my righteous conscience with dungeons of blood sucking depravation meant that; nobody on this magical planet would ever be born

ungainly guilty once again; then corrupt it this very minute and without the most ephemeral of consideration; O! Almighty Lord,

If devilishly massacring every puff of my blissfully cascading breath meant that; nobody on this perpetual planet would be ever be born tragically dead once

again; then massacre it this very minute and without the most obsolete of mulling; O! Almighty Lord,

And if uncouthly betraying my perennially throbbing heart meant that; nobody on this invincible planet would ever be born remorsefully lonely once again; then betray it this very minute and without the most faintest of deliberation; O! Almighty Lord,

For if just extinguishing a single life of mine; could astoundingly proliferate into a countless more celestial lives; bequeath upon the world its lost quota of jubilant happiness; then I would feel the most privileged organism O! Almighty Lord; to be

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now