Mia's Description !

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Mia Ivelyse Aarons
(Mee-Yuh Iv-veh-leece air-rons)


-18 years old

-small waist, thick thighs, big booty, big boobs, you get what I'm Sayin.

-One golden yellow eye and one emerald green eye.

-speaks fluent Spanish, Italian, French and German.

-mixed with black, white, and Puerto Rican.

•has powers.

•her powers include...

-read people's minds

-manipulate the weather

-can see the future

•She can manipulate people

-make them see what she wants them to see

-make them feel what she feels

-she can take control of their body whenever she wants

None of this is effective on the zombies.

She also doesn't know she is immune to a zombies bite

She developed these powers at the age of 16.

Explains why she couldn't do anything when Xavier 'Had his way with her'

Now , I think you should wait for the next update.

*Weird creepy x voice* yessss , yessss indeed

I Will Not Have A Picture Of Mia Because I Don't Want Anyone Specific Playing Her Character. Plus, I don't even know if he description would match anyone Real 😂 (Don't Mind Me Switching Up My Typing Styles. Sometimes I Get Used To Typing With All Underscores Instead Of All Capitals Because That's How I'm Writing This Story) 😂

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