Woah, Sunshine

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I walked up to the walkway of the Much Music station hoping for the best. I was almost late as is, so I half-ran through the doors to the reception area. I was already huffing, and blew my burgundy bangs out of my blue eyes. “E-Excuse me, where’s t-the, -hang on.” I took a moment to catch my breath. “Where’s the place I need to go for the job interview?”

The woman smiled at me warmly. “Third floor, fourth door on the right.” She pointed to her left, “The elevator is right over there.” I offered a smile and a quick nod before running to it. I jammed my finger on the button, and waited impatiently for a moment. I looked at my phone. 9:57 AM. “Shit!” I muttered, tapping my foot. A woman walked up beside me just as the elevator dinged. I darted inside, practically knocking a man over. I quickly pressed the button with a 3 on it, and the woman who’d joined me outside pressed the button for the second floor. I turned to her quickly, exasperated.. “Are you fucking kidding me?!” I asked as the door closed. She simply looked at me in shock, and the man behind me cleared his throat. I spun around, already on edge. “Problem?” I snapped. He stared at me, and I simply rolled my eyes as the woman got off on the second floor. The doors closed once more, and I checked my phone again. 10:01 A.M. I stomped my foot on the ground in a fit, half expecting it to hurry, half expecting it to break and kill me. I hated elevators. The guy behind me looked scared, but I continued to seethe, muttering every curse word in the book under my breath. The doors swung open, and I flew through them and down the hall. Stopping in front of the fourth door, I straightened up before walking through. “Aerolyn Matthews?” A woman asked after pushing her side-bangs out of her eyes. She was dressed in jean skinnies and a loose white tank top, sitting behind a desk. “Yes ma’am.” I smiled, trying to seem collected.

“Have a seat.” She gestured towards the chairs in front of the desk, and I walked over to the one directly in front of her. Much Music may be a corporation, but they weren’t all fancy. Most everyone I’ve ever seen in and out of this place dressed as I did, and seemed to be relatively nice. Although; all of this was seen from a distance. I could be totally wrong, and I’m already nervous as shit as is. This woman seemed relaxed, so I calmed down a bit. She read some stuff off of the computer, and I took a moment to look around. The baby blue walls were covered in band posters and autographed pieces of paper. I made out a few signatures, though most just looked like chicken scratch. “You’re late, you know this, right?” She asked, unamused.

“Yeah, I, uhm-“ I stammered.

“I don’t really care. Still late.” She typed something on the computer, and then looked at me blankly. She began to ask me a long list of questions, and continued to act as if she hated her life.

            It took forever, but we were finally done. I was elated, and 99.9% sure that I’d just gotten the job. “Aaaandd, submit.” She said blankly, slamming her finger on the enter key. She turned her attention back to me beginning to say something, but was interrupted by the computer beeping. “Huh, look at that.” She said, looking at it and then back at me. I instantly grew uneasy. “What is it? What was that?”

“Looks like we’ve been wasting our precious time.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“The position’s already been filled, doll. Come back next time.” She said with a smirk. My blood boiled instantly, and I uncrossed my legs. “Are you fuckin’ serious right now?” My southern drawl always shined through my voice when I got angry, it never fails.

“Yep.” She said blankly, popping the “p”.

I jumped to my feet, “You couldn’t have informed me of this bullshit earlier?”

“If I could of, I would of, princess.” She narrowed her eyes at me, and I groaned loudly.

“Ugh! Fuck this!” I grabbed my phone from the chair, jamming it in my pocket. Storming out the door, I felt tears from anger forming in my eyes. I stomped down the hall, but abruptly stopped, and fell flat on my ass. Flustered, I pushed my hair out of my face, and stared at the guy I knocked over. He scrambled to his feet and adjusted his black shirt and red tie. “Woah, sunshine.” He chuckled at himself, and extended his hand down to me. I glared at him, getting up on my own. He took his hand back, giving me a sassy but playful look.

“Sorry.” I grunted, pulling down my red Pierce The Veil shirt.

“Ah, that’s alright-“ He paused, looking down at me expectantly. I didn’t catch on, so he raised an eyebrow and rolled his hands in a circular motion.

“Aerolyn.” I said blankly, not bothering to offer a smile.

“Aerolyn.” He repeated, smiling.

“And you are?”

“Joshua Ramsay, at your service.” He grinned, taking a bow. I smiled back, amused at his attitude. His black and blue hair intrigued me, but what was under it hypnotized me. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I think I’ve ever seen in my life. He was around 6’2, and towered over me. When he’d stopped smiling, I’d noticed he has baby cheeks, and full lips… just like mine. “So, why so sad, ‘lil lady?” He asked, turning his head to the side.

“Eh, nothin’. Just wasted my time coming here.” I said blankly, shifting my weight.

“How so?”

“Just spent an hour with an interviewer who’s attitude made me want to kill myself, only to find out the position had already been filled.”

“Well, shit.” He said, scrunching his nose. ”That’s no good.”

I shrugged, and sighed. “Oh well. I guess I’ll just have to go live under a bridge.”

“You could start suckin’ dick for money. Ya know,” He raised his eyebrow, “desperate times call for desperate measures.” I laughed at him as he wiggled his eyebrow.

“You’re funny. You must not work here.”

“Why do you say that?” He asked, propping against the wall behind him.

“Your personality doesn’t make me want to off myself.” I laughed. He grabbed his chest in fain relief, and let out a huge sigh.

“Well thank goodness for that.” I giggled, and pulled out my phone. My roommate/ best friend was already blowing me up, asking how things went. I sighed, jamming it back into my pocket. “Ramsay!” Someone yelled from behind the door we were in front of. He smiled, and put a finger up before turning and sticking his head inside the door. “We have work to do!” Another voice yelled.

“I am talking! Why must you all be so rude?!” He scoffed, shutting the door and turning back to me. “Sassy little shit.” I thought as I laughed. “Sorry, they don’t have any manners.” He grinned.

“I can see that. What kind of work are you doing in there?” He looked at me like I was stupid.

“Uh, hello?” He waved his hand over his body. “I’m a prostitute. My clients are waiting for their happy ending.”

“So, you’re the one suckin’ dick for money?” I laughed, going along with it.

“No, not hardly.” He laughed back. “Just band stuff, ya know?” I remembered where I was, and the fact that it was a place for bands and artists to come and do interviews and recordings.


“Yep, Marianas Trench, to be precise.” He grinned.

“Marianas Trench?” I liked that name.

“All the good names were already taken. Don’t judge me.” He pouted, crossing his arms.

“No, I like it.” I smiled. He smiled back, and my phone buzzed again. I took it out again with a groan. “I uh- I need to go.” I said, looking back up at him. “My roommate is havin’ a fit.”

“Shame on her.” He frowned.

“Yeah, well. That’s Aria for you.” He smiled, and suddenly snatched my phone from me. “Hey!” I objected. He handed it back to me quickly, his number programmed into it. “You’re welcome.” He winked, not-so-seductively, raising his eyebrow again. I giggled, and he disappeared into the door behind him. I stood there, shaking my head. Maybe today wasn’t so bad after all.

Well, alrighty then! Heyyo, this is my first Mariana's Trench fanfiction! I'd love any kind of feedback; positive, negative, ideas... anything! I just started this, so the first chapters are gonna be a little short. Please bear with me! Feel free to follow me, I follow back, and my inbox is always open. Thanks guys c: ~XoXMonster<3

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