Chapter 1 Let The Journey Begin!

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My name is Cameron Jackdooloy I am 23 years old and I'm on my way to professor birches lab to collect my first Pokémon at ten years old a trainer is allowed to collect a starter Pokémon to become the ultimate trainer, coordinator or breeder my dream is to become an excellent breeder and my mom was a breeder as well she had a record of breeding a massive amount of Pokémon my favourite Pokémon are wurmple and treecko and I decided to build a team around those.

Professor birches lab was next door to my house and a very large building the only problem was he was never around so I went to visit Abby his daughter she told me he was out looking for wild Pokémon I left with a bow and travelled to route 1 to find him he was there but he was being chased by a poochyena is this it what do I do he shouted to me 'hey in the bag there's a few Pokémon grab one and SAVE ME!'

I picked up a pokeball and threw it a treecko flew out wow what luck 'treecko us pound' treecko did it with such grace professor birch was saved 'hey Cameron sorry I know you're here for your first Pokémon' 'birch, I want treecko here' birch allowed me to keep treecko and he became my best buddy he jumped up and sat on my shoulder and refused to go into his pokeball treecko sat on my shoulder and looked at me then he reached into my bag and grabbed an everstone he begged for me to use it I did and treecko will always stay treecko and I like him treecko and I will be on our way to rustboro soon after I visit the lab!

I got my breeders licence so I can go for my first egg to get me started I received my egg from professor neuromas the breeding professor she gave me the egg she was holding on to and I began my journey the egg was hard to carry so I put it in my bag treecko and me began our journey and treecko looked as though he was about to vomit he did but something was in it an everstone treecko looked at me then looked at the everstone and kicked it I guess he doesn't want to stay treecko I don't mind grovyle is awesome and sceptiles meh treecko walked on my shoulder long time and the egg sat in my back-pack which was awesome and the journey began I almost immediately encountered a snorunt I thought it was weird as snorunt live in snowy areas I decided to catch it 'treecko use pound' he hit snorunt and snorunt went flying he was knocked out instantly 'go pokeball yeah' the ball flew and hit snorunt the ball flew into the air and opened and snorunt went inside the ball shook continuously and closed snorunt was caught!

Ye! I called him out and he screeched his name 'hahaha snorunt return' I began to move on to rustboro city I walked for days and days and eventually reached a small forest a black figure emerged from the forest and smiled at me then disappeared what was that I guess all I could do was carry on I reached rustboro finally and I saw a person in the distance it was Abby she had just challenged and beat Roxanne the gym leader she showed me the stone badge I went to the gym and Roxanne was standing at the entrance 'Roxanne I challenge you to a battle' 'hahaha you must be Cameron correct?' 'Ye' 'well my gym rules are different it's a three on three battle and the battle is over when both sides are out of Pokémon understood?' 'Huh! I only have two Pokémon' 'come with me then.' i followed.

I noticed Abby in the stands and she smiled at me 'go Cameron yeah!' how awesome I knew I could win! 'Geodude go!' I knew I was stuck as treecko and snorunt couldn't affect geodude that much treecko wanted to battle I let him and what do you know he learned absorb good I have a chance 'treecko stay back I want you later' I sent out snorunt and stopped I don't know his moves 'I'll have to guess, snorunt attack!' snorunt attacked but not in the way I thought he would he used sheer cold! Geodude was down Roxanne sent out nosepass her signature Pokémon nosepass knocked out snorunt before I could say a word so I sent out treecko, treecko used absorb and nosepass was knocked out I won and received my stone badge.

ah finally it was night time so I decided it was time to sleep I said good night to treecko and snorunt and went to sleep. I lay there with my egg it was looking very weird it kept glowing faster and faster it glowed bright yellow now and began to warp it hatched into a yellow creature I got up and yelled abby was nearby and she saw the creature she scanned it with her pokedex 'helioptile, no information known.

Abby was shocked 'a helioptile how rare' helioptile was a happy scamper who ran a lot and jumped up and down I remember actually something my grandpa told me about helioptile great I am ready for my next battle. My next challenge was in dewford town where brawly worked as a fighting type my worst nightmare without helioptile I decided to call birch and tell him about helioptile he congratulated me but warned me there was a black shadow behind me it was gone before me or treecko could see it but oh well birch told me to reach the day care nearby where a new egg was waiting for me.

Dewford town was a small boat ride away from rustboro but as I had to go to the day-care I had a longer trek at the day-care one of birches assistants was waiting he was sitting and watching he got up and bought me an egg he said 'this egg is very rare keep an eye on it for it could save your life' the egg sounded dangerous 'nah im just kidding it's a regular egg have fun!'

I put the egg in my backpack and continued back to rustboro to meet Mr briney it took one and a half days to get there and during that time me and treecko got into some intense training treecko even learned energy ball! Wow! We carried on to the port and moments later we were there ye! Mr briney acted very strange and refused to let us through as an aqua grunt had stolen peeko oh no!

I went looking and soon found them 'go mightyena stop him' 'treecko do it' treecko was about to use energy ball but suddenly was engulfed by light he grew and grew small leaves grew over his body 'groooo-vyyyyyyyyyyyylllllle' yes! Treecko evolved into grovyle the aqua grunt didn't stand a chance and went running oh yes 'grovyle return' so this was it my team grovyle helioptile snorunt and my egg ye!

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