The Bloody Mary Game

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  The Bloody Mary Game

          We are walking through the woods at 6:00 am; it’s really dark we can barely see our hands in front of us and the only source of light is coming through the bushes. Tonight there is a full moon. The cracks of the twigs and the sound of the crickets is our sound track as we walk deep inside the woods. We are walking through the woods when we hear a weird noise. “AHH” “D-id yo-u he-ear tha-at Jenna?” “Hear what?” We start looking around and we find a little girl with a dirty and ripped cream dress crawling on the ground.

Many of you don’t believe in Bloody Mary. Some of you think it’s just a joke but have you ever played the game?

             ~1 hour earlier~

            Emily and her best friend Jenna were walking through the woods when they stopped because they got to their favorite spot. “Emily have you ever heard of Bloody Mary before?” Jenna asked. “No but what is it?” Emily replied. “Well it’s a game.” Jenna said. “How do you play it?” Emily asked. “You have to go to the creepiest bathroom with a big mirror in it, and then you have to turn on the water and say Bloody Mary three times” Jenna answered. “Well what happens if you say Bloody Mary three times?” Emily asked. “Well the lights turn on and Bloody Mary has to pop out of nowhere and then something bad will happen.” Jenna replied with a big creepy smile that dropped when she realized that her plan of making Emily play the game wouldn’t work, until Emily said something that surprised Jenna. “Ok, well let’s play it! I found an abandoned cabin a couple of days ago when I was walking my dog Sam and its a few blocks away from here. I think we might find a place to play the game.” “Well what are we waiting for, lead the way.” Jenna said with excitement.

“AHH” “D-id yo-u he-ear tha-at Jenna?” Emily asked. “Hear what?” The girls looked around and found a banshee crawling on the ground.

A banshee is a supernatural. It looks like a girl wearing a ripped cream dress but it’s actually part of their skin. They are really pale and they have black crispy hair covering their faces like the girl from the ring.

The Banshee starts calling for back up and Emily and Jenna try to run away from the banshees. Emily runs ahead of Jenna but she trips over a rock, she looks back and sees that Jenna is not behind her. She stands up and keeps on running until she hears a noise and runs back to see if Jenna was ok. Emily finds all the banshees dead so she asks. “What happened here?” and Jenna replies with an “I don’t know” but you should know, deep inside there is a secret about Jenna

       ~20 minutes earlier~ (when Emily keeps running and doesn't see Jenna behind her)


Jenna stops running and looks to see if Emily is out of sight. When she sees that the coast is clear she closes her eyes and starts saying this spell in Greek language. She opens her eyes and her eyes turn to a really bright red color. She gets this really powerful strength and kills all the banshees. When she kills the last one it starts screaming and dies. She sees Emily coming back so she stands up like if she was hurt and acts like if nothing happened and Emily asks. “What happened here?” but Jenna replies a “I don’t know”

“Ok well let’s just go to the cabin now” Emily says. They keep on walking until they get to the cabin. They go inside the cabin and find a big bathroom with a big dirty mirror. They go inside the bathroom and close the door. Emily turns off the lights and turns on the water. Emily says “Bloody Mary Bloody Mary Bloody Mary.” She starts hearing things moving, suddenly the water turns off and the lights turn on by themselves and Jenna is no were to be found. Emily starts freaking out until “BOO” Jenna comes out of the bathroom curtains and scares Emily. “OH MY GOSH, don’t scare me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack. I thought the story was real but now I see it’s just a dumb prank.” Emily yells angrily but starts laughing with Jenna. They both start walking out of the cabin and into the woods. They get out of the woods and they start walking back to their houses. “Bye Jen see you soon” Emily says. “You too Em” Jenna replies back.

When Emily gets home, she finds out her parents are not there yet. She goes upstairs to take a shower. Then she walks to her bed room and turns on the lights and goes to her bed and lies down until the lights turn off by themselves and she hears her name being called “Emily Emily” “Who is it?” Emily says. She gets out of bed and tries to find the person who was calling her name. She tries to turn on the lights but they won’t turn on. At least she can see clearly. She feels someone tapping her shoulder so she turns around and finds a girl with blood on her face and a big creepy smile. The girl had a rope on her hand and Emily looked at her confused but scared until the girl grabbed her neck for Emily not to be able to scream and breath. The girl tied the rope around Emily’s neck and opened Emily’s door. The girl walked out of the room and tied the rope from the railing of the stairs right in front of the front door and pushed her down making it seem like it was a suicide attempt. Then the girl disappeared.

A few hours later Emily’s parents came home and Emily was nowhere to be found. Since that day her parents moved away because they found that the house was possessed by Emily which they kept a secret and they also didn’t want to stay there because they wanted to start a new life in a new place forgetting about the past. A year past and a new family started living Emily’s house but they never knew what was coming to them, they never knew that they were Emily’s new victims to play with.

            I have to tell you something I left out a very important part that was that the girl with the bloody face (Bloody Mary) looked a lot like Jenna.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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