If only (Cheater! Reader x Ryuko Matoi)

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(Third person POV)

Ryuko smiled contently, happy that her boss let her off work an hour early. She somehow convinced them that she had a "dentist appointment" and that she couldn't reschedule, but in reality, she just wanted to get home to you. You were the love of her life, you brought purpose to her life when she was at a dead end. She knew that with you, she would always be standing on stable ground. Sighing, she unlocked the door to your shared studio apartment and pushed it open. "(Y/n), I'm home! And I brought you some soup because you said you've been feeling sick!" No answer. Ryuko suddenly felt a chill sweep over her body, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. "....(Y/n)?..." Suddenly a muffled shuffle sounded from the bedroom and a slight squeaking from what she presumed was the floorboards. She sensed that something was wrong, so she grabbed a baseball bat from the linen closet and quietly made her way down the hall to your shared bedroom. "I-is anyone here?" Ryuko squeezed the bat's handle and took a deep breath, swinging the door open.

(Ryuko's POV)

I gasped at what I saw, (Y/n), MY (y/n) was desperately putting his pants on while his "mistress" was fixing her hair. (Y/n) turned around to face me, his eyes pleading "R-ryuko..please, let me explain.." My eyes started watering as I yelped in pain. I dropped the bat and ran toward (Y/n), slamming my fists against his chest weakly "Why?! We were so perfect together! We could've.....we could've been happy..." I stood there and held myself, tears now streaming down my cheeks as I looked up into (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes, eyes that I couldn't find any emotion in "How long?" "What?" (Y/n) replied, staring down at me with an apologetic look "How long have you been seeing this skank behind my back?!" I screamed at him while sending a look of unharbored rage to the girl sitting on my spot on the bed. She was petite and had light pink hair. I felt a light sense of deja vu when I looked at her, but I didn't really care who she was. My thoughts were interrupted by a quiet "Seven months" I gasped and looked back at (Y/n) "S-seven months...A sob left my lips as it sunk in 'He's been cheating on me for half a year, and I didn't know anything about it.' I thought as I ran out of the room, my eyes starting to sting.


(Third person POV)

Ryuko trembled and gripped the steering wheel of her car so hard that her knuckles turned white. She was parked in front of a random motel that she found while driving aimlessly. She looked up at the fading lights of the motel's road sign and sighed deeply "(Y/n)....why don't you love me?..." Looking back, the broken girl could pick out all the clues of her lover's infidelity. His quietness, his random work trips, his overly sweet smell when he came home and not to mention they hadn't had sex in quite a while. It was all so obvious. If only Ryuko paid attention, if only she'd not given him every single bit of her trust... Ryuko covered her mouth, hot, salty tears running down her face, staining her cheeks. If only...


If only (Ooc Ryuko Matoi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now