To Ye I Rest (Sonnet)

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Thy strenuous stronghold glooms over ye's path,

For fate unpredicted upon one's pass.

I sway with Banshee, fiddling with Death.

Stagnant in thy Labyrinth, ghouls up ahead.

Thy demons taunt me, leading me astray.

With pity, Fate sliced thy final thread.

A guardian angel meets my dismay.

As I meet thy demise of my journey,

Love escorts me through Heaven's corridor.

Upon this world, I sauntered aimlessly,

Tho' I've found thy amity I've yearned for.

Alas! A tranquil world to ye I rest,

Where unity and love hath met their best.

(AN: This is a sonnet I wrote for my Lit. class during our Shakespeare unit. To those who are unfamiliar with sonnets, they're poems that are met with very strict rules often written throughout the Elizabethan Era. Each line is to contain 10 syllables, with the rhymes scheme of ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG. The first 4 lines typically contain a conflict, while the remaining ones are the solution. The one I wrote was written in Old English to follow along with our unit, though it is not necessary. I hope you enjoyed, and I shall update soon. (:

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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