Chapter 1 - Usual Suspects

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It had all started with a cut, mere experimentation, you were by no means depressed, in all honesty, you were quite content with life, even if you had a couple of mishaps during the years, such as your parents divorce, some family members and Pokémon dying, it was quite an average life, nothing too extraordinary. However, cutting, was something which wasn't put in the normal category as such, you had never done it as a punishment, more, as a reward, some sickly pleasurable reward. You knew if anyone found out, they would send you to a doctor, say you belonged in a mad house, an asylum, until you were 'cured', though, to you, your sickness was life, and your medicine was cutting.
Once you believed someone walked into your room whilst you were performing self-mutilation, as if some ritual, your heart skipped a beat and you froze on you bed, not moving an inch, a natural instinct in some eccentric hope that if you don't move, no one could see you, alas, it was only Spot, your family's Meowth, the reason why it was called spot was because your sister had once left her paints out, causing the Meowth to knock them over, thus a blotch of orange paint stained it's fur, it never completely washed out, so the family had decided to call the Meowth by the nickname, Spot.
You let vent to a sigh in relief as you realised it was only a Pokémon, Spot never knew what you were doing, it had just saw a few specs of blood, before it left with a saddened expression. It was a relief your mother never wanted to pay to teach her Pokémon to talk, she believed it was a waste of valuable money, also, due to her old fashion sense, she didn't believe Pokémon should be able to speak, which was a common belief amongst adults. Though with the arrival of new technology brought from Alola, it seemed a future of talking Pokémon was likely, but thankfully not at that moment.

Snapping back into reality you paused in your pondering, thinking about talking, your mind wandered to your friend, Red, he wasn't mute, he was just, silent around everyone, you guessed he believed there was no need for talking, that actions were enough, which was fair enough in one manner, but you never completely understood. Red was always the analytical type, you could see it in his eyes, he was always theorising, always suspecting, which is why, whenever you went to see him, you were cautious, you had to be, one wrong move and everything would be exposed.

Whilst you were thinking about Red, you decided you should visit him, it had been a while since you last saw him, also, you had heard rumours he had came down from Mt. Silver for a couple of months to see his own mother, which you thought was quite a reasonable choice, you also knew the journey would be shorter and less treacherous, so you decided to visit him. You never bothered to alert him that you were coming round, as he didn't mind, which meant organising a date to come round, needed near to no thought. The journey from New Bark Town to Kanto was just under an hour by flying. You had once lived in Violet City, which was slightly further away, but you always decided to walk, as at that time you only had a couple of low levelled Pokémon, though walking took a couple of days and the most, however since your parents divorce, your mother moved to New Bark Town, whereas your father moved to Sinnoh to 'start over', you barely saw him, though people said you were lucky for having a father, as many families had lost fathers, grandfathers,brothers and uncles in wars a couple of decades before you were born, because of that, many families were plunged into debt, and becoming a Pokémon trainer changed from being a hobby, to something which generated income, thankfully you never had that perpetual financial pressure.

You chuckled to yourself as your mind once again wandered, it was a habit of yours, one difficult to give up, especially seeing as you could often be found in deep thought.
Deciding to move, you shuffled off your bed, getting out a rucksack from under your bed, tipping out old content from it, filling it with spare sets of clothes if you decided to stay the night, as well as your Pokéballs, Pokégear and a pair of scissors. Putting the bag on your back, you exited you home, your mother gave you a lot of freedom, and you had a lot of trust between each other, so she didn't mind if you somedays left out of the blue, as long as you texted her afterwards, she never minded. You took out your Togetic, hopping on its back before it flew to Pallet Town, you'd been there once or twice, but not enough to know where everything was, so once you had arrived, it took a small while to locate Red's mothers house. You politely knocked on the door, fully knowing it was unlocked, as trainers often came into people's houses without knocking, but it wasn't considered rude, you, however, still found the decency to knock first. The door was opened by Red, a monotone expression on his face, you guessed his mother was out, as she always opened the door, silently you entered the house, it wasn't anything extraordinary, just an average house, a decent size, but it had a homely feel to it, you heard the door being shut behind you, you then turned to face Red.
"I thought I would visit, as I heard you were down from the mountain" you stated, a small smile plastered on your face.
Red just scanned you up and down, it was something he always did, you were unknowing of the fact Red suspected you of doing something you weren't supposed to, however he couldn't pinpoint what you were hiding, instead of staring, he led you to the spare room, you knew the house had three bedrooms, Red's room, his mothers room, and the guest room, which Green usually slept in if he was staying over.
Green was also one of your close friends, even though he could be stubborn and ill-mannered, he was someone you could sit talking to for hours, he was good company, and you were aware at how close him and Red were, there was apparently a time before you knew them when they were extremely close, she had heard rumours they were friends with extra benefits, and that they had took each other's virginity, though you never asked, supposing it was a personal topic.
You yourself had lost your own virginity, to Morty, a gym leader back in Johto, that was before you had started cutting, and that was the first and last time you had ever had sex, you were much more cautious when it came to getting that kind of close with someone, as with your body the way it was, you never wanted to explain.

Once reaching the spare room, you threw the backpack onto the bed, forgetting your Pokéballs were still in your bag, so after, you mentally apologised to your Pokémon, before turning round to Red, or, where Red previously was, you then heard the sound of a shower, so you guessed he went to take a shower, which was fair enough as when you glanced over at the window, it was becoming dark, so you shut the door, getting out your Pokégear and messaging your mum you were staying at Reds house, before shoving it back into you bag, you then took out your scissors, it was easier than a razor, it also lowered suspicion, you never cut on your arms, it was a risk you didn't want to take, it was the same with your legs, so instead, your cuts were littered over your torso, you lifted up the hem of you t-shirt, revealing your torso, there was more red than your original skin tone, it looked like a used and old cutting board, you made more incisions, adding to your collection, watching small bits of blood escape the wound, you shivered in a nauseating pleasure, no normal mind would think the cuts were good, however, you found them delicate, intricate, something unique. You carelessly put the scissors into your bag, before tracing over your cuts with your finger, loving the blemishes left patterning your skin. You knew it was unhealthy, unnatural, but whenever you tried to quit, you always found yourself come back, it was something which you found joy in, so you saw no problem in doing such thing.

Your ears pricked up at the absence of running water, abruptly you pulled down your shirt, just in time for Red to enter the room, he was in a coal coloured t-shirt and boxers, his hair was slightly damp, but not enough to drip onto the floor, you savoured the sight, checking out every inch of Red's body, it was beautiful, a masterpiece, however she was aware a relationship in that way with him would be unlikely, you were perfectly aware Red had never been in that sort of relationship, even if the rumour about him and Green was true, you knew for a fact they never did 'go out' as such.

You on the other hand had a couple of week long relationships hear and there, dotted amongst your childhood, but you had never been in a serious relationship, nothing like what you wanted. You always longed for a relationship, a long lasting one, to finally settle down, start a family, maybe that was natural instincts, you never know, but you knew perfectly well with your own secrets, you could never have a 'normal' life as such, you'd strayed far from that life, as you knew from what brought you joy, was a taboo, something looked down on, something seen as craving attention, however you knew that wasn't true.

Red shut the door as he left, he either wanted you to talk, or to check if you were alright, though you were too lost in your thoughts to reply, or give a good enough response. Since he left, you decided it was a good idea to get changed, so you did, quickly putting on your pyjamas as you saw the door ajar and Red's mother poking her head around the door, thankfully your clothes at that point were fully shielding your scars and cuts, so Red's mother smiled at you, she was a nice lady, the motherly kind, she reminded you of your own mother.

"Red's in his room now, if you want to say goodnight as well" She beamed at you, before leaving you in peace.

You waited for a few seconds, waiting till you could no longer hear her footsteps until you slid out of bed and crept into Red's room next door, sure enough he was on his bed, reading the book 'How to train your Horse', it was a non-fiction book, you had read many times over, and you often wondered what it would be like if you had a horse, yes they had equivalents, but a horse seemed much more elegant than anything they had.

Red noticed you enter his room, so he put his book down, folding the page to indicate where he got up to. His crimson eyes locked with your own eyes as he motioned you to sit down with him, so hesitantly you sat on his bed crossed-legged, facing him with a small yet visible smile on your face.

"Are you going to return to Mt. Silver?"
He nodded
"How many more days are you going to stay here?"
He held up 7 fingers, 7 days, one week
"Can I stay here for that week?"
He once again nodded, you had stayed for a while with him a couple of times, but not often as Mt. Silver was cold, and it didn't really appeal to you that you should stay there for long.

It was sorted, you would stay with him for a week, he had a week to find out what was going on with you.

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