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───── HOW THE HELL DID SIERRA MCCALL END UP IN MEXICO YOU MAY ASK? She blames her brother and his friends. Since she's been involved with the supernatural world, she couldn't help but follow them like a lost puppy but now, she wished she didn't. The young McCall followed behind Lydia Martin and Stiles Stilinski as she admired the rural setting in front of her eyes. It was beautiful, but not enough to die in which she believed could have happened at any moment.

She began reestablishing her thoughts as she watched the cars pass by. Her eyes met Stiles who looked back at her worried she had gotten taken away from the enemy. He nodded for her to come forward since he was supposed to be her protector while Scott ran with the mission.

"This doesn't seem so bad..." Stiles commented as he looked around the town. Sierra swore she could see a tumbleweed just roll around as she looked at him weirdly. She knew herself all his plans were terrible, so she'd be surprised if this plan actually came along properly.

"It's not the town, it's the plan," Lydia spoke, her arms crossed.

"At least we get this pretty view," Sierra shrugged looking at the older strawberry blonde.

"There's some optimism from little McCall," Stiles smiled, grabbing onto the small brunette's shoulders and slightly shaking her.

One could say that Sierra's heart fluttered a little from the interaction. She may or may not have had a little of an infatuation for her brother's best friend. It was hard not to, especially while growing up, Stiles Stilinski was always somehow in the McCall house. But now that Sierra is a little older, the infatuation slowly wore off, except when there were certain moments between them that she felt that she could just stare at him all day.

"Anyways, what's wrong with the plan?" Stiles asked.

"Stiles, this could be the stupidest plan we've ever come up with. You're aware of that, right?" Lydia mentioned, looking back at her two companions. Sierra snickered a small laugh as she watched the two juniors bicker. It was quite funny as she watched them basically shout back and forth between one another about the life and death situation they were putting themselves in.

"I'm human and I would like to stay alive so I can experience having a first boyfriend; my first time—" Sierra rambled on but was cut off by the boy who often acted like an older brother she never asked for.

"Blah, blah, blah. I can't not be hearing this right now, you're like twelve," Stiles closed his eyes, his fingers attaching themselves to the sockets of his ears to shut out any information on Sierra McCall's non-existent love life.

Sierra pushed the boy, making him stumble back on his feet before leading the group toward their destination. As the sun began setting and the moon shone down on the teenagers in the night sky, the remainder of the pack walked down into an alleyway, which sent shivers down their spines. It was much creepier than Sierra anticipated.

Lydia came to a halt as she stood in front of wooden doors staring back at them. Sierra watched as two guards leaned their weight off the walls and approached them. They looked intensely at the teenagers, making Sierra nervously gulp. "¿Estamos aquí para la fiesta?" Lydia asked, but instead of the men stepping out of the way for the teenagers to walk through, they shook their heads, rejecting their attempt.

One of the guards looked up toward a hidden camera in the upper right corner from where Sierra was standing. Lydia nodded at the girl, signalling Sierra to search for her pockets. The brunette searched her pockets for the specific object, her brother had given her before the pack made their way down to Mexico.

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