Day One

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     It's 5:42 pm

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     It's 5:42 pm. The jetlag should make me tired but we are both too excited to rest so we decide to find our rented loft first, unpack, and decide what to do from there. Thanks to the glorious GPS and the helpful associate at the car rental center, we were able to find the building with no problem. It is a modern style 2-floor loft on the top floor overlooking the Han River. The Banpo Bridge is visible from the living room windows. Exploring the loft, I take the top-level while Jenn takes the bottom. I find a small bathroom, neat and clean. I walk down the hall a bit and when I turn the corner, my jaw drops. I find a king-sized platform white bed but above the bed where you would normally find a ceiling is water. The entire ceiling is glass filled with crystal clear water. You can see the setting sun glistening through the pool, making the room a pretty shade of pink. Unable to take my eyes away from the scene, I call out to my best friend, "Jenny! You have to see this! Come upstairs!" Two seconds later, Jenn appears, out of breath from running. Her eyes grow big as soon as she sees the bedroom, "oh my god, holy shit!" I look around, finding a walk-in closet and a door leading to the roof. We both walk out onto the beautiful sunset-lit roof. The rooftop is covered in turf with stepping stones leading to the pool. There are lounge chairs, a barbeque, and a fire pit with soft sofas set around it. I walk over to the pool, dipping my hand in the cool water. I can see the white bed down below and wonder how amazing the bedroom view must be at night. I notice Jenn by the railing so I walk up to her, leaning my head on her shoulder. "This is pretty amazing, isn't it?", she softly whispers while looking out towards the Han River, the beautiful sunset reflecting off the glimmering river. I nod my head, "Mhmm. . . I can't believe we're here. It's more amazing than I ever could've imagined."

     We make our way downstairs and discover two more bedrooms, the master bathroom, a home gym, a huge kitchen with a wraparound counter, and the family room with the biggest TV I have ever seen. I turn to Jenn, "We should pick rooms." "Dibs on the pool bed!" We both call out. Laughing, I suggest, "Kai, Bai, Bo?" We both hold a hand out.

"Kai, bai, bo!"

Scissors vs Rock- Jenn, 1 point.

"Kai, bai, bo!"

Rock vs Scissors-Me, 1 point.

"Kai, bai, bo!"

Scissors vs. Paper- Me, 2 points.

     I jump up and down, laughing as I plop down on one of the plush couches, "Ha! I won! Go find your room, peasant. It's mine!"

     After we both unpack and shower, I throw myself across Jenn's bed, looking out the window. She chose the room with the full glass wall overlooking the lit-up Banpo Bridge. Jenn plops down beside me, rubbing her stomach, "I'm starving." I instantly sit up, "Oh! I know what we can do! Remember that episode of Celebrity Bromance with Taehyung and Min-Jae? Let's go find a convenience store and have ramen by the river while we watch the bridge lights." Before she can agree, I'm already pulling her by the arm and dragging her out of bed. It only takes a 10-minute walk to find a small store. I make two bowls of ramen and a couple of sausages while Jenn grabs some drinks. We find a soft spot on the grass to sit, watching the changing lights and eating in comfortable silence. The air is warm but breezy. It feels amazing. Jenn looks over at me, "thank you for bringing me with you. This is incredible." I lean against her, putting my head on her shoulder, smiling, "oh shut up. Who the hell else would I bring with me?" We both laugh as we continue watching the rainbow-colored lights dance across the water's surface.

     As the night air begins to chill, we decide to head back to the loft. We are crossing the pedestrian path to cut through the grass when suddenly  I'm hit by a large object, "umph!" I'm pushed down, my knee scraping into the grass as I realize what just happened. A man is already bending down beside me, his hands held out towards mine, an offer to help me up. He continuously apologizes in Korean while Jenn yells at him. I look up and see he's tall, really tall, and wearing a grey hoodie with a fraying Supreme brand patch on the shoulder. His hood is pulled over his head so far that his face is obscured in darkness and I notice a headphone cord connecting into his pocket. "I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! Ah, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I didn't see you! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He must have noticed Jenn and I are foreign because he started apologizing in English. "I-I'm fine. It's oka-" I mumble, my face hot with embarrassment. Jenn looks at me with wide eyes, obviously upset, "Fine?! He just bulldozed your ass into the ground, Mia!" I grab his hands, noticing how strong they feel, his fingers well-manicured, and stand back up, "Jenn, I'm fine, really. It's okay. It was an accident." "I swear, I didn't mean to. I was listening to music and trying to hurry back home. Are you sure you're okay?" He asks me as he nervously rubs the back of his neck, adjusting his hood, as if not wanting to reveal his face. I brush off bits of grass from my clothes and shake my head, "really, I'm fine. We should get going." He quickly nods before he continues walking down the path. I watch him walk away, something about him nagging at me but I can't quite think of what it is. Something familiar. Maybe it was in his voice, or the way his hoodie clings to his broad shoulders. I watch him walk around the bend, push the odd thoughts to the back of my mind, and head back to the loft.

Saram, Sarang, Sara- A Kim Namjoon ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now