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Author's pov.

My name is Isabella Whitlock I am half vampire half human my parents are Peter and Charlotte Whitlock.  My mom met my father when she was human and well conceived me before he had to go back to the compound . My mother was changed right after giving birth. I was there but no one knows that except my mother. You see since I was half human half vampire I could live on blood or human food. I stayed in the woods hidden from view for 7 years then I came out of hidding got a job and a place to stay you see I didn't have a name until my parents found me. I was going by beauty my job was selling jewelry that I made. My gift is a physical and mental Shield and copying others gifts and making myself and others look like we are ageing. Everyone thinks I am only a mental Shield and making myself and other look like they are ageing. The only people that know are my parents and Marcus volturi. Aro and caius can't be trusted so Marcus and I came up with a plan you see I shield Marcus at all times because I transfered my mental Shield to him. The plan was that he  keep the volturi away while I go after Maria and get my parents back. And after that I would help him kill Aro ,caius and Chelsea and then bring back didyme and free everyone from Chelsea's gift. I have always known Maria took both of my parents so all I want to do is get them back so I go undercover as a newborn I change my eye color to red then I pretend to look like a lost newborn. Acting is so easy for me.Maria found me and took me back to her compound. She keept me hidden from all the other newborns. Because of the fact that I can protect her from any mental attacks. She trained me her self but on top of that training I was trained by Marcus and Jane. So I knew how to fight. I was a prize to Maria so after my year Mark I was left alive. I was not allowed out of my room or the compound that was until one day Maria lost her major and I was put in charge of training the newborns.  then when it came to fighting I would stay by maria. I tryed to escape multiple times with no luck. One day I had enough fighting and decided I would kill Maria you see Maria found out who my parents were and used them against me and that's why I stopped trying to escape. I didn't know my parents got away at all because she told me that they were useful so they were kept alive. I only found out the day I killed Maria that they weren't there. I gave the newborns a choice be killed or leave After their year Mark. You see I chose to stay and help the new borns control their thirst and show them how to live with out fighting and any warlords that came with their army was killed and their army was given the choice. Some of them decided to work for the volturi and I was to watch them until the time came that they could. One day I was taking a group of newborns out to hunt. When they smelt two other vampires and started to freak out so cristy one of my friends had to take them back to the compound. While I hunted of course the vampires smelt me and started to come this way that was when I saw my mom and dad of course my mom new who I was right away but my mom had to tell my father. I told them everything that has happened and that I am helping the newborns that decided to live with their thirst and other things and they offered to help then they asked what my name was and I said I actually don't have one before Maria I went by beauty then I went by prize to major. That was when they came up with my name Isabella Whitlock. Cristy my friend became a Whitlock also. We hunted then I changed my eye color back to red and we all went to the compound were I saw Christy try to break up a fight. Of course I had to step in and take limbs off of the two that were fighting. An then said' you want to fight go to the training area and fight remember the rules or the next time you will not be going hunting for a month. Now take these and go.cristy take the group I sent back with you hunting remember they all don't drink human blood so don't forget to go in the woods also.' After she left I introduced the newborns to my parents and they went off to do their own things.  By the time Marcus called every warlord was killed and most of the newborns reached their year Mark and left so I asked my parents to watch the rest and left to go to Italy After doing my end of the deal half the guard left and half stayed. Marcus decided to hide the fact that aro and caius is dead for a couple of years and he also changed the rule about immortal children and created an academy so they can learn how to control them selves if they can't then they are killed.  After the academy was finished I sent the children that other warlords created their. Then I left and went back to the compound once I get their I am met with my parents and cristy. Geting ready to take a group I go to. After all the newborns hit there year Mark we told them the laws then sent thelm away. After they left we all left the compound to the volturi. Then started to live our lives. I can't wait to find my mate.

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