Chapter 3- Detention

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Sakura's pov
Damn that sasuke making a fool of me in class then we have detention for three weeks. I don't know about him but I have a life here let me explain what happened
"Hey pinky." The annoying sasuke said "what do you want." I asked in a deadly voice "stop being stupid you know you can't win a the hospital thing was just an empty threat I way stronger then you are." Is he trying to piss me off. I then with out thinking got up from my seat and punched him in the face. He looked mad now " YOU WANT TO GO PINKY." He yelled. " BRING IT ON DUCKY." I put my fist up so did he " THAT'S ENOUGH YOU TOO DETENTION." We then walk to the office " it all you fault ASS. You made me embarrassed myself and get detention I have a life from you know." He then smirked "Sorry as as the school's bad boy I had to keep my reputation." I punched him in the face again "ASSHOLE."
Flashback end
" hey pinky you still mad." God is he trying to piss me off more " Shut the hell up you ass." God i hate him " let me make it up to you we can hang out  and maybe put a end to this war. How dose that sound." " Okay...and only because I don't want detention again." He then smirks STOP WITH THE SMIRKING.' Shut up inner
" great I'll see you on Friday after school." He then left " heY detention is not done yet" I yell I then laugh.this guy is unbelievable
Sasuke's pov
'I can't believe I actually am in love with Sakura' oh so that's why you were treating her that way instead of how you would treat everyone else I mean so cold I'm you basically a human...... ' okay I get it.' After the talk with my inner I still think about why I love Sakura but she probably hates me oh well as long as I get along with her I guess
///////////////////////////////////////////// sup sorry if I changed how sasuke acts I like it but if you don't that's okay as long as you like the story and sorry if I made any mistakes anyway bye.oh and I'll try to make them longer

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