Chapter 1

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Alex and Kara sat in the middle of Kara's bed as the shouting continues. Alex held her sister tighter as she sleeps in her lap, dry tears on her sister's cheeks. She closed her eyes as the shouting goes louder and louder by the second and she couldn't take it anymore. She carefully placed Kara's head on the pillow and ready to get out of the room, feeling angry.

She was about to walk out of the door when she heard her sister's tiny voice.

"Alex?"Kara called. Alex turn around and looked at her sister who's looking back at her as the tears continue flowing.

The shouting hasn't stop yet and its getting worse, they can now hear curse words coming from both of their parents mouth and it angers Alex more.

"Go back to sleep. I'll just talk to them"She replied, smiling at her sister, trying to calm her.

"Please stay"Kara begged and looked at her sister, pleading.

Alex took a deep breath before closing the door. The look that Kara is giving her is really hard to resist. She walked back to the bed and sat beside the blonde.

"Why don't we watch film instead? You in?"She asked, trying to make her voice sounds jolly.

A light curve appeared on Kara's lips, making Alex smile but it wasn't that long until they heard another shout from their mother and a loud sound of glass breaking.

A worried expression made its way to Kara's face. She's always the worrier. Alex on the other hand, she was fuming. Ever since they can remember, their parents never stops arguing and they couldn't remember when was the last time that they had a nice and quite night in.

Alex get up and looked at Kara. "Set up the movie Kara, I'll just get some food downstairs"She said and turn towards the door, not bothering to wait for Kara's responce.

Kara sigh deeply. She knew damn well that her sister won't just 'get food'. She hates it when their parents argue, the shouting, the cursing but this time its different; They added the breaking things and it worries her. Alex may not show her that she also worries but she knew.

Alex marched downstairs with fury and frustrations. She had enough of them fighting and of Kara constantly crying.

She took a small vase at the bottom of the stairs and walked inside of the living room where her parents are in.

She threw the vase in the floor, making a loud noise of shattering glass. She knew Kara will worry for sure but she doesn't care anymore, it needs to stop.

Her parents were startled by the sound and looked at her direction in surprised.

"Alexandra, what the hell?!"Her father asked but Alex just looked at them with dead stare.

Her mother walked towards her, avoiding the shattered glass with a worried expression written all over her face

"Oh my god Alex! You're bleeding!"Her mother said worriedly.

Alex stood still and took a glance at her knee where she felt a slight pang of pain, "Atleast that stops you guys, right?"She asked.

The couple looked at each other. "Alex what the hell were you thinking?"Her father asked again.

Her mom disappeared for a second, leaving her and her father in the middle of their large living room.

"When will you stop arguing?"Alex asked sadly. "Do I really need to get hurt first before you stop?"She added, sounding so tired and weak.

Her father's expression soften seeing the sadness on his daughter's face. Instead of answering, he pulled her in for a hug and Alex couldn't control her emotions anymore so she let her tears flow, she sobs in her father's chest.

"I'm sorry honey"She heard her dad said and planted a kiss on the top of her head.

Her mother came back holding a first aid kit. It was their first time seeing their oldest daughter as emotional as she is now. Alex has always been so brave, so strong, she acts as if nothing is wrong. She's usually the calm one when it comes to chaos and now, she's a complete different person.

"Alex, the food"Kara said from the top of the stairs.

Alex quickly untangled herself from her father and wiped her tears. "Yeah, coming!"She said cheerfully which saddens the two parent whose surprisingly quite and just watching their daughter stood up.

"Kara and I are having a movie marathon in her bedroom, you can come and watch with us"She mumbled.

"Or not, just please stop arguing, you know how that affects Kara"Alex said quickly before leaving her parents in the living room and went to the kitchen to get food, feeling a little better.

By the time she went back to the living room with tons of snacks and drinks, mostly for Kara, she saw her parents waiting on the stairs for her.

"What movie are we watching?"Her dad asked.

She was surprised at first, she didn't know they'll actually come but then again, maybe its for the best, for Kara.

They made their way to Kara's bedroom. A wide smile appeared on the blonde's face seeing her sister and her parents entered her room.

"Mind adding two more?"Jeremiah asked their youngest daughter.

Kara nod eagerly and make a place for her parents. Her mother didn't say anything but she was smiling. Alex just observed them three as they cuddle in the big bed, feeling a little worried for the reason that she didn't even know.

"C'mere Alex"Kara called. She looked at their direction and saw them looking at her, motioning her to come join them.

She shifts uncomfortably and sat near them, Kara pulled her nearer and enveloped her in her arms.

"Thanks"She heard her whispered which she replied with a soft pat on the blonde's hand before watching the film.

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