Part 1

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The students piled into the classroom, as they entered for their last period of the day. Ian especially loved this class, because their teacher was Mr Padilla.

To most people, for a student to be in love with a teacher was absolutely absurd. Though with Ian, he would disagree. He had fallen for the new teacher ever since the first day, and still now, he couldn't deny the almost addiction he gave him.

Anthony being the teacher's real name, was not much older than the twelfth grade students. In fact, it was a very few amount of years difference between Ian and Anthony's ages. Which made Ian think even more of his sexy educator. Ian was almost in love with every feature on Anthony. He wouldn't be able to decide what part of him was more attractive, his dark, brunette hair that could almost give the impression of black, his almost contagious laugh he had whenever someone made a joke in class. (He could sometimes act more of a student then a teacher at times.) But one thing he could he never forget was the way his eyes almost sparkled in the sun's light as it reflected through the classroom's window. If he had time, Ian would be able to stare at the math teacher's eyes for an eternity, and never complain once.

"Alright. For the most of today's class, we will be looking at geometry." Anthony said, turning his black to the class to write on the blackboard. The class groaned at the thought of doing math at this time of day, but Ian had no problem being able to listen to Anthony's voice.

"So, if the two parallel lines both equalled to exactly 40°, what would the last angle calculate to?" Every hand shot up in class, everyone's except Ian's. It seemed to him no matter how hard he tried to attempt math, he was never able to do it. He wasn't even sure how he was in the top class, he thought it must have been for his English. "How about.....Ian?" Anthony said, showing a slight smile his way. Ian felt his face flush a tinge of red as he stood up and walked towards the board.

Everyone prepared for the worst, as they knew Ian wouldn't be able to answer the question, as well he would come up answers that had nothing to do with the equation. Ian walked up to Anthony, and took the piece of chalk out of Anthony's hand. Their hands brushed past each other, and Ian's face turned an even deeper red. He could even swear he saw Anthony's face turn a slight pink colour. "Just give it your best attempt." Anthony's whispered into Ian's ear, sending a shiver down his spine, making him feel even more pressured. He stared long and hard at the math problem on the bored, and almost had no idea what was happening or what to do.

"Just write something that looks moderately correct. At least then you won't look like an absolute idiot." Ian thought to himself. "Just do it already! It's almost eighth Grade math!" Someone in class called out, making Ian feel terrible. He saw Anthony out the corner of his eye glance towards the class and glare at them, but quickly turned back around to Ian, giving a reassuring smile.

Ian moved his hand towards the board, trying to think of an answer. "Just add the numbers together or something, it can't be that difficult." He thought to himself again. Surely he couldn't have the answer to bad.

The school-bell rang, signalling the end of another school week, and the start of the weekend. The students almost threw their books and stationary into their school bags and left out the room, leaving Ian sighing with relief at the board, and Anthony standing only a metre behind him.

"I'm sorry about not being very good at math. It's not exactly my thing." Ian said, making his back to the desk and taking his time to clean up his stuff as an excuse to say with the teacher a few moments longer. "Don't apologise Ian! I shouldn't have picked you to do that, it was obvious you didn't want to. I'm kind of an idiot for making you stand up in front of the class and doing that." Anthony said, glancing down at the ground but ever so often looking back up at his student. Ian shrugged. "I should just better at math." He closed his bag and swung it over his shoulder. That's when a brilliant idea dawned to Anthony. "Ian, why don't you stop by the school on Sunday. I could give you a few lessons on how to do some of this?" Ian felt a small spark of hope go off inside of him. "Sure, if that wouldn't be too much trouble." Anthony smiled. "Great. Meet me in this room at 2:00pm then." Ian nodded and left of the room. As soon as he was out of his sight, Ian had a huge grin on his face. An afternoon with Anthony? I don't think his weekends could get any better.


Sunday finally rolled around, and his mother dropped Ian off at school. He was stating to feel slightly nervous, when he realised that he would be with Anthony, for an hour, alone. There wasn't even anybody in the school except Anthony and himself, which made his situation that more stressful.

He walked into the classroom, where Anthony was already sitting there waiting for him. "Great, you came on time. Let's get started." Ian took a seat next to Anthony, and he blushed a bit at how close he was.

They studied for around twenty minutes, and Ian was really starting to get the hang of it. "I'm impressed Ian. I told you that you were fully capable of doing it, you just needed motivation." Ian slightly smiled. "I don't know really why I can't do it in class." He found himself once again studying Anthony's eyes, almost in a daze from his dark, brown irises. "I think there might be distraction in class. Is anyone or anything distracting you in class Ian?" Ian wasn't even concentrating when he said his answer, though he almost regretted it afterwards. "Only your beautiful eyes." Anthony slightly looked at him in shock, and Ian just realised what had said. He shook his head and almost went into a panic. "I'm sorry! I wasn't concentrating! I'm not sure why I said that, but I didn't mean to!" Anthony ran Ian's words over in his head again. He smiled.

Ian suddenly felt his hands clasp his, and his face fell a deep, crimson colour. "I was almost hoping for that answer Ian. Though I can pretty much say the same thing about you. The way your crystallised, blue eyes just trance me, I think I would of said the same answer." Ian sat in shock, staring back at Anthony. Did his teacher, just admit he loved him back? Ian wasn't sure what to do next. "I.....what can.." Anthony chuckled at Ian's loss for words. "Let's just start with this."

Ian's felt warm lips press up against his own. He was almost in shock by the sudden, passionate kiss, but gripped the situation quickly and kissed back. The kiss soon turned more demanding though, as Anthony's hands made their way to Ian's waist, pulling him on to his lap. Ian slowly opened his mouth, and Anthony took the chance as the kiss deepened. Tongues thrashing against each other, and Ian almost let out a moan as Anthony started caressing his chest.

Anthony suddenly pulled away, Ian almost begged for more. "Why don't we phone your mother, to say that we need another hour longer? Just to "fully understand" some of the math homework?" Anthony pulled Ian's face close to his, so their breaths mingled with each other's. "Because I know, some of these questions are just about to get a whole lot harder." Ian smirked. "We should definitely have an extra lesson every week. Let's just call it "Extra Credit."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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