Chapter Four

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I slowly take my headphones out as the bell rings for last period. I slouch in my sit and cradle my head in my arms on the desk. Psychology class. I can faintly hear Let It Burn by Red through my headphones as the teacher walks in.

Mr. Nallow. A tall, younger man with dark grey eyes and sandy blonde hair. He grabs his glasses from his marble topped table in the corner.

"Class, before we delve into the psychology of religion, which I know all of you are looking forward to. I would like to introduce our new student. He just arrived from upstate New York. Please give a raving wolves welcome to Shay Doren." he says. At the mention of the boy's name, my heart seizes and flips. Shay walks in, and for the first time, I really notice him. Black baggy jeans, made for running, with multiple stitching marks in different colors and a sand blasted white v-neck shirt.

His dark eyes look shyly around the room in fast succession, finally land on me. Our eyes lock for a second, and for once, I'm happy William isn't in this class.

"Shay, why don't you tell the class about yourself while I get you a seat." I scan the room, noticing many empty seats. One by me, and about six scatted around the room.

"Well, what is there to tell? I came from New York. I live with my uncle Max. I read. That's about it." Shay tugs nervously at a lock of hair that's fallen into his face. A thought races through my head before I can stop it. How bad I want to tuck that stray hair behind his ear.

The class is dead silent as Shay looks at the floor shyly. "Alright, Shay. I have you seated in the back. Next to miss Sila." You've got to be kidding me! Of all the places, he has to sit next to me!

Shay nods and grabs his back from the floor. I notice a small plush Jack Skellington from the movie Nightmare Before Christmas hanging from one strap. Cute. He strides toward me, and glances my way. A look of recognition goes through his eyes before he sits down and slumps in his seat, dark caramel hair falling into his face. His eyes look disinterested as class begins.

About twenty minutes later, Mr. Nallow calls on him. "Shay, what are your thoughts on religion?"

I notice his head slightly pop up as his lips move. "In my personal opinion, religion isn't useless as so many would say. Yes there is a place for the fantastical," At that word, Shay glances at me, a strange look on his face. "But there also is a point that I don't accept. A God that banishes you to a fiery eternity for not being His personal cheer leader? That doesn't seem fair to me. In Allenway's text, The Following of God, he explains that while we should live by the virtues laid out for us, we don't need to. We won't go to Hell for being human. 'The darkness is where I live, where I breathe, and where my beasts live. The dark is the home of many great wars, fought between evil and good. Good has never prevailed, but in time, it shall.' That's a quote from the book."

We all look at this boy, dumbfounded. Even Mr. Nallow looks lost for words. "we don't study any of Allenway's texts in this class." he says finally, dismissively.

"But why not? Parker Allenway is a key point, not only in psychology in religion. But in psychology as a whole. He's a corner stone in everything we are designed after and how we behave." I notice from the corner of my eye, Malcolm looking at Shay though his pitch black sunglasses. The Keeper's son, and a major player in the Project's group.

"Mr. Doren, I will not have-" His words are cut short in his throat. Mr. Nallow's eyes turn a foggy grey as he looks lost in the world. As if he's in slow motion, our teacher falls to the floor. His body convulses savagely.

"Oh my god! Call an ambulance!" I hear a human girl say. Shay sits in his seat, frozen in place.

"That won't be needed. Sara, go get the nurse." Malcolm says calmly as he kneels by Mr. Nallow's thrashing form. He steadies the man's shoulders and keeps him as still as possibly. Sara, the human girl, sprints out of the room. She's back within minutes. Mrs. Kalls is right behind her, with a few football players with a stretcher. She kneels by our teacher, injecting a pinkish purple fluid into his neck. Mr. Nallow's body slowly stops thrashing as his breaths come out slow and shallow.

The other two boys pick up the now limp man and put him on the stretcher, wheeling him out of the room. As us students are escorted to the commons, I lean towards Malcolm. "What happened to him? Why is he not going to a hospital?" I ask frantically.

"Mrs. Kalls is not only a nurse, but a weaver. Nallow will be fine in a few days." Malcolm says and walks away from me. I glance behind me to see Shay walking, the hood of his dark red jacket pulled tight around his head. I can smell his fear, as well as guilt. He blames himself for what happened. In that moment, I do the unthinkable. I stay behind to wait for him.

"You shouldn't blame yourself. Mr. Nallow is epileptic. He'll be okay in a few days time."

"Shouldn't you be off to your boyfriend." Shay says resentfully. I almost blush at the thought of William Brood, my mate.

"He isn't my boyfriend."

"Really? Could have fooled me."

I saved your life and this is how I'm repayed!, I want to scream. But I hold my tongue. He must not know of what I am.

"Will and I are complicated. He's protective of me."

"So he saw me as a threat? For wanting to sit by you?"

I sigh. "That's how he is. He doesn't like other guys even looking at me. Shay, right?"


"I'm Sila. I'm also sorry about how Will acts."

"Don't worry about it." Shay pushes past me, his shoulder brushing against mine. I gasp lightly as a pass of electricity goes through us. Shay doesn't notice as he heads through the door into the commons. That was strange. I stay motionless, staying in his sweet scent.

What is going on?

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