Chapter 1

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Waking up early at 6 am was something not many people could do. [Name] was one of those people. So it was only normal of her mother to barge in her room and start yelling at her. "Why are you in my room so early?, [Name] asked. "You idiot! Did you really forget, your flight for Korea  is today, hurry up and get ready breakfast is done."


As quick as she could [Name] got up and headed to the bathroom for a shower, snatching her clothes with her. Luckily [Name] herself knew what sort of person she was and everything was organised (except for the alarm but luckily her mother filled in that spot), her clothes on a hanger in her closet, her passport on her neat side table, her suitcases all packed. After her quick shower [Name] brushed her teeth and dried her hair, soon deciding she couldn't be bothered and gave up on it. She then headed downstairs for her breakfast and found her mum. "Mum you really didn't have to wake up and make me breakfast I could have done it myself," [Name] said. "There's no way I'm not seeing you off, I can't come to the airport with you because I have work and this is the least I can do," her mother replied. [Name] placed a kiss on her mothers cheek and ate her breakfast.

She then proceeded to get all her stuff together and double check she had everything. See [Name] majored in Architecture and she had found an amazing university in Korea that was better than the ones in Australia. Luckily for her the university had accepted her and now she couldn't have been more happier. The news was celebrated with her going out with friends and her making a lot of promises that she would call them and keep in touch, the usual promises people make when they're going to another place. The end of the day she was happy to just go home and watch movies with her mum just like they used too but it was then when her mother reminded her she should tell the only friend she had in Korea.

Kim Namjoon.

They were childhood friends and it was a friendship [Name] kept in her heart. Unfortunately her mother wanted to move to Australia and had to take [Name] with her but her and Namjoon still kept in touch. [Name] knew about his idol life and how busy he was and respected that so she mostly didn't call him a lot or pressure him. When she has told him he was ecstatic and promised he would make sure she had a good time in Korea.

"Sweetie the taxi is here," [Name] heard her mother call. Quickly she checked everything and went down with all her stuff. She hugged her mother goodbye and got in the taxi. The airport was an hour drive but [Name] didn't want to waste her phone battery so early she settled to practice her Korean. Now [Name] had lived in Korea until the age of 10 and regularly took lessons to make sure she didn't forget but she still couldn't help but be nervous. The driver who saw her struggle laughed and said to her in Korean, "I wouldn't worry so much Miss, your Korean is good almost as good as mine." [Name] gave him a warm smile and muttered a thank you. And then [Name] had found something to do on the drive, talk to the driver and so they did. Each about their own life, the driver talked about his sweet wife and daughter. He told her stories about how cute his daughter was and how much he loved his wife and [Name] couldn't keep herself from smiling for the whole ride.

Soon they arrived. When [Name] got out the kind driver helped her and refused to take any money. "No one talks to me at all and I myself was surprised when you listened to me, this is my reward for you and your kind soul," was all he said and he drove away.

It didn't take long for [Name] to check in and now all she had to do was wait. She still had two hours before she had to go for her flight so she mostly walked around and got something for her eat later knowing the food served on the planes wasn't that good. Soon it was time for her to board her plane and thankfully she wasn't near or next to anyone who would disturb her. She still had 13 hours before she would reach Seoul so she put in her headphones and slept.

South Korea... I wonder how it'll be?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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