Chapter Six

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I walk mindlessly around the store, not really focusing on anything.

I feel lost, disconnected, scared.

My mind keeps wandering to Caleb yet I have no clue why. I guess part of me wants to see him again, but another part of me knows that can't happen, that I won't let it happen.

I know I can't keep living like this but I don't know how else to live. I can't act like nothing happened, like Tom never happened. Because he happened. He was there. But then he left.

I sigh deeply, wishing I never met Tom to begin with.

If I had never met him then I would have never gotten into this slump and I wouldn't have to cry myself asleep every night, my heart wouldn't race every time the phone rang or I got a text or an email.

If I had never met Tom then maybe Caleb and I would have a chance.

To distract myself I begin scanning the chocolate bars, hoping it'll take my mind off of Tom and Caleb.

I'm just picking up a bar when I see a flash of blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.

My eyes widen, knowing that it is Caleb, I duck.

I can feel him moving closer so I slowly move backwards, trying as hard as I can to shield my face with my purse.

He can't see me. We can't talk. I can't get involved with a guy right now.

"Hey there sweet tooth." he calls.

Lowering my head, I put my purse down and sigh, looking up at his face.

"No shock seeing you in this aisle," he chuckles, waving his arms to display the chocolate.

"Yep," I laugh nervously, "I guess the nickname is correct."

"Were you avoiding me?" he asks, stepping closer.

"No." I suck in a breath, getting worried about the close proximity.

"You definitely were, sugar, now the question is... why?"

"I wasn't avoiding you, I was checking for something in my purse." I say, with more sass than I intended.

"Okay, okay, I believe you," he says, arms up in surrender.

Suddenly his eyes narrow, "Alright Chloe, if you weren't avoiding me like you claim then have lunch with me."

"Now?" I choke.

"Now." he smiles.

I can't even think.

I don't want to be here.

I don't want to be in this situation.

Because this is exactly how it started with Tom.

"I can't." I say, sounding slightly out of breath.

I can't help but notice the slight look of defeat on his face.

"Is it because of me? Or because you are busy?"

"It's because I'm busy, Caleb, I have a lot to do today."

"I can see that," he says, gesturing to the chocolate.

I laugh, "I got a bit distracted,"

"Looks that way... Okay well a different day then."

"For sure!" I lie.

"Well here," he says, handing me his phone.

I just stare at him, confusedly.

Caleb laughs, "put your number in."

"My phone actually hasn't been working lately, I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you if you text." I lie, but just my luck, at that exact moment, my phone beeps, signaling a text.

Caleb's eyebrows raise, "yes it sounds broken."

"Hm that's so strange, it wouldn't work at all earlier."

Caleb just laughs again and hands me his phone.

Well I guess there is no backing out now, I have no more lies up my sleeve.

I type in my number quickly and hand it back to him.

"Thanks Chloe."

"I'll see you around."

But just as I turn to leave I hear him whisper, "I really hope so."

My heart flutters and I ignore it as I rush to my car.

Finally in, I check my phone to see who interrupted my lie.

My ears steam when I see it was a stupid game notification.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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