It was a normal day at school and I was at lunch with my friends: Cassandra, Hanna, Harry, Jenny, and Liam, Niall, and Zayn, and my sister. I was playing with my outfit while everyone was talking about our plans for the weekend and Cassandra was telling us about one of her siblings. “I’m seriously nervous about seeing her again. I mean we haven’t seen each other in like forever and now she’s coming back home”, Cassandra said. “Princesa you’ll be fine besides I’ll be there with you just in case you get nervous”, Niall said as he kissed her forehead.
“Awe damnit can’t you guys go another week we were planning on going to…never mind”, Hanna said stopping mid-sentence. “Never mind, what do you mean never mind. We were planning this for weeks and now you’re saying never mind”, I said. “Uh…Alexandra we’re canceling the trip”, Hanna said winking at me. Whenever she did that it was a sign that she was just saying that for a certain reason; but I had the slightest clue as to why.
“So why exactly are we “canceling” the trip”, I asked. “Look behind you”, Cassandra said in a cough. I looked at her strange for a moment and then turned around and saw Louis and Eleanor standing behind me. They were holding hands and I had an urge to slap Eleanor for the way she was looking at me; but I didn’t. I took a deep breath and put on a fake yet believable smile.
“Well hello guys”, Cassandra said being her usually sweet self. “Hi Cassie how are you”, Louis said with a smile. “I’m well how are you”, Cassie replied. “Lovely just trying to find a place for me and El to sit”, Louis said. “Well there’s plenty of room here”, Cassandra said.
As soon as the words came out of Cassandra’s mouth I shot her a dirty look. “What’s that look for”, Cassandra asked clueless. “Oh no reason at all”, I said turning away from her. “Could we sit with you”, Louis asked. “Of course you all can the more the merrier plus there’s a few open seats by Alexandra”, Cassandra said.
“Great I’ll just sit by Lexie though so there won’t be any tension”, Louis said moving my bag from the chair it was in and putting it on the back of my chair. “Yeah that might be the best idea we wouldn’t want a fight to break out”, Jennifer (Jenny’s real name) said. As soon as Louis sat down I moved my chair over some and then kicked Cassandra hard under the table. I didn’t kick her because I hated her I kicked her because I was mad that she let them especially Eleanor sit with us. “Sweet Jesus that hurt”, Cassandra said instantly grabbing her knee. Before anyone noticed anything besides Cassie of course I crossed my legs with one over the other.
“Princess what happened”, Niall asked in distress. “She kicked me”, Cassie said still holding onto her knee as tears formed in her eyes. “Who kicked you”, Niall asked. “I don’t know”, Cassandra said. I started to feel a surge of guilt so I admitted to it.
“It was me Cassie. I’m sorry”, I said. “What the fuck Lexie why would you kick her”, Niall said starting to get upset. “I think I know why; but if I’m correct then Lexie you should be ashamed of yourself”, Jenny said. “So why would she…oh…ohhhhh I get it now; but still Lexie you should’ve never done that”, Niall said. “I said I was sorry”, I said.
“We understand that; but still Lexie it wasn’t right”, Niall said. “Do you wanna switch me seats”, Hanna asked. “No thank you. I’ll just suck it up and deal with it”, I said. “Honestly I think you do need to move I mean after all you did just kick your best friend and...” Eleanor started to say.
“Eleanor don’t say anything to her she doesn’t like you”, Cassandra said. “I don’t care if she likes me or not Cassandra so please don’t tell me not to say anything”, Eleanor said. “Okay one don’t get an attitude with me. Two I’m just telling you this to help you so please don’t get rude with me; and three if Lexie beats up I’m not gonna care because I’m just gonna sit here and do nothing”, Cassandra said. I glanced at Eleanor and she rolled her eyes at Cassie.
There were two reasons why I respected Cassandra as a person, a friend, and as a fighter and those reasons were that one she was like Sarah Oliver off her bad girls club. Which meant that yes she was tiny; but don’t underestimate her for her size. The second reason was that no matter who you were weather she hated you or not she always gave second chances and from what I could tell Eleanor’s chances were numbered. Cassandra and Eleanor use to be friends growing up; but after eighth grade when Eleanor and a few other girls jumped Cassie for standing up for what she believed in they didn’t like each other anymore. Cassandra took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
She was letting it out so slowly that if you didn’t know any better you could say that she wasn’t breathing. Eleanor was about to say something when the bell run and we all left to our next class leaving Eleanor and Louis behind. We all left feeling some type of way. Jenny, Hanna, and Kris left disgusted because of how everything turned sour and Cassandra and I left in bad moods. One was ready to punch someone and me…I didn’t know how to describe how I felt. It was a mixture of: anger, jealously which I had the slightest clue why, and sorrow.
The sorrow stood out the most and I don’t think it was because of what I did to Cassie. There was guilt for that; but the sorrow was there because for some reason I felt bad for Louis, He wanted to sit with his friends and have fun like the old days; but I was total bitch to him and Eleanor also ruined it as well. Most of all I felt bad because I had a feeling that Louis was going to lose friends all because of El.
I how everyone likes the first chapter and for the record I don't hate Eleanor this is solely fiction