The Two Nobodies

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My Pov

We went into the Gambler of Fate gate. We came to an open balcony and saw a beam shooting to 'Kingdom Hearts'.

"What's that?" Sora asked.

"It's the King and DiZ— I mean, Ansem the Wise. They must be higher up. We better hurry." Riku said. When me and Sora were far enough from the others, Luxord appeared and snapped his fingers. Giant cards surround the others and when they separated, the others were gone.

"What did you do!?" I demanded.

"Defeat me and your friends will return." Luxord said. He sent out his Alakazam, Shiny Meowstic, Xatu and Gothitelle. Sora's Decidueye and Panpour paired with Eve and Winter to defeat them. Luxord was tricky, since his element was Time. He would use any chance we got he'd turn into a game and if we lost, we'd be turned into dice or cards. Finally, we managed to attack him and finished him. I went to deliver the last blow. He tried to protect himself by summoning cards to act as a barrier, but I sliced right through them.

"Looks like your time is up." I said. He gasped for air.

"How could you and Roxas do this... Nikko..." Luxord said.

"That's SORA and HIKARI!" Sora yelled. Luxord vanished and several cards slid across each other, revealing the others.

"Are you both okay?" Kairi asked.

"Yeah! No need to worry. Let's go." I said. We went back into the Proof of Existence. Sora returned Decidueye and Pansear while I simply returned Winter. The last one left was Saïx, the Luna Diviner. We went through the gate and saw Saïx standing, looking at the heart-shaped moon.

"Only you and Nikko could have made it this far in one piece... Roxas." Saïx said.

"Okay, I'm really tired of that!" I shouted.

"It's getting really old!" Sora exclaimed. Donald and Goofy stood in front of us and held out their arms.

"Yeah! They're Sora and Hikari!" Donald exclaimed. Saïx held up his weapon.

"Different names, same fate." Saïx said. He swung his weapon, causing a huge wind to blow. We held our ground, however, Riku shielded Kairi and Kage from the blast and they were knocked behind a barrier. He sent his Pokémon, which were Steel-types. With Mew knowing Flamethrower and Sora's Pansear, they were dealt with. "Can you feel it, the moon's power?"

"The moon?" I asked. Oh no. Saïx's element was the moon.

"Moon, shine down!" Saïx exclaimed. He went into his Berserk Mode. He relentlessly attacked us and it was only when he threw his weapon at us did we have a chance. Either me or Sora would grab it and use a Berserk attack of our own which would then knock Saïx out of his Berserk Mode. I pointed Starlight at Saïx.

"Starry Spiral!" I shouted. A spiral of stars surrounded him and fell down and destroyed him. Saïx limped to the window.

"Why... Kingdom Hearts... Where is my heart?" Saïx asked. Saïx lifted his hand to the moon and vanished. Riku, Kage and Kairi came up to us.

"Why is everyone calling us Roxas and Nikko?" Sora asked.

"Because Sora. Roxas is your Nobody and Nikko is Hikari's Nobody." Riku said.

"Our... Nobodies? But that's crazy, me and Hikari never turned into Heart... Oh, right." Sora said, realizing.

"It was when you came to rescue me, remember?" Kairi asked.

"And when Hikari protected Riku from Maleficent." Kage said.

"Yeah, I remember." I said. I placed a hand on my chest. I could almost feel the searing pain I felt when that fireball hit me.

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