Chapter 1

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"Diana get down here!" Mom screams from the kitchen.

"Ugh! Do I have too?"

"Yes! It's almost time for school, and you haven't left the house! So yes, you do."

"UGH!" I shout and push myself up from my bed, where I was watching Breakfast At Tiffany's on my computer. I pause it, straighten out my American Eagle tank top and trudge out of my room and down the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs my mom waits, in her unspectacular capris and purple shirt.

"Let's go!" She says. I roll my eyes as I walk past her to the door, where my lace strapped flip flops wait for me. I put them on, my magenta coloured toes sticking out. Mom passes me and opens the door, waiting for me to pass before she leaves the house. I step into the sticky, humid Floridian air and I about melt from the heat. I make my way to the car, that my mom turned on, desperate for cold air conditioning. I open the car and sit in the passenger seat, shutting the door after me. I hear the click of the door, meaning my mom locked it. We back out of the driveway and go speeding down the road in the direction of the place that I know so well, the beach.

The sun is almost setting now, leaving the entire beach a glowing expanse of sand and a coloured water. I walk in the sand with my mother, holding my flip flops which are dangling from my hand as I walk. The waves make a lulling sound, making me calm.

"Let's go get ice cream! My mom breaks the silence, nodding towards the little building with the open counter, above which a sign reads Ice Cream Cafe. I nod in consent and start towards the board walk. At the stairs I drop my flip flops and put them on, clomping up the stirs to the actual boardwalk.

"How can I help you?" A masculine sounding voce speaks. I look up and meet eyes of dark turquoise. My eyes travel towards his head, inspecting his slightly wavy hair. He is dressed in a light blue shirt and navy striped bathing suit shorts, with a white apron over it. Damn, he's cute.

"Uhmm...uh..I'll have a chocolate ice cream in a cone please." I stutter out.

"Alright, and you?" He addresses my mother, winking as he turns his head to face her. It makes my heart melt.

"Vanilla in a cone please." My mother decides.

"Coming right up." He turns his back to us to face the cooler where the ice cream is kept. He picks up two cones, in which he places one scoop of vanilla in one and chocolate in the other.

He turns back around both cones in hand.

"Here you go," He hands the vanilla to my mom, with a napkin around the cone.

"And for you." He turns to me handing me the cone, bowing slightly. That gets me to emit a giggle. I look up smiling at him.

"Thank you kind sir." I bow back and accept the cone and napkin.

Mom and I walk away, licking our ice creams. We pass a garbage can and I unwrap the napkin from around the cone and go to throw it out. Halfway to the garbage I see something on the napkin that stops me. It's a note that reads, 'this is my number, call it if you want, 755-467-2468'

Smiling, I stuff the napkin into my pocket and walk back to my mom, still licking my cone.



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~~ Sofia and Eden

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