Chapter 2

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My alarm clock blares out it's annoying sound, wakening me from the dream in which a pair of turquoise eyes were staring at me, it felt sort of, comforting. I purposely put my alarm clock across the room, forcing me to get up and walk to stop the beeping.

"UGH!" I throw off my grey and white duvet and stumble my way to the clock, still half in the land of sleep. I slam my hand on the alarm clock several times before I finally press the correct button, shutting it off. I make my way into the bathroom and dare to look at myself in the large mirror. I look like something that crawled from the darkest pits of hell. Ew. Definitely not a good way to start off the first day of senior year. School, double ew.

I start with brushing my hair, I can never tell what will look good without the right hairdo. It takes me a bit to get through the knots and tangles that formed over night. After I finish my hair I move on to my makeup. I don't want to overdo it so I end up going light. Concealer, for the bad spots on my face. Eye liner, to bring out the brown flecks in my green eyes. And finally, a hint of pink lip gloss.

Now for the perfect outfit. I walk out of the bathroom, and next door to my closet, which holds my extensive collection of clothes. It is kind of my haven, a huge walk-in with almost anything I've ever owned. I end up going for a pair of denim high waisted jean shorts and a crop top- tank top, with a big light pink heart outlined by a black line on it. I decide that my hair isn't right for the outfit, so I go back into the bathroom to fix it. I put my hair into a sock bun, fastening a pink bow into it. After fixing it to perfection I walk back into my closet where I slip on socks, and black vans. After standing in front of my full length mirror for a couple of seconds, I declare myself ready to start the day, and head downstairs.

On my way out of the room I grab my phone from where it's charging, my black cardigan from the back of the chair, and head downstairs, clomping noisily on the stairs. In the kitchen my mom is typing quickly on her phone. When she notices me she puts the phone down, to have a proper conversation with me.

"You ready for school?" She asks, looking at me.

"Yeah, don't wanna go but whatever."

"I don't think it'tl be that bad, now GO so you're not late! I'll see you after school. Have fun."

"Thanks, bye." I grab a banana and start un peeling it as I walk to the door. I grab my bag from where I stashed it the night before and go outside. I open the small front pocket and take out my own set of keys. I unlock the door and step into the car. I put it into gear and take the familiar route to start my last year of school before I graduate.

There are a whole bunch of kids outside the school. Some are clustered in groups or in pairs. Some sit on the benches. I park the car and get out of it, locking it as I make my way to the school, weaving between the maze of cars.

The office is less packed than I thought it would be, so I got my class list ahead of really fast. My locker is the same one as last year, so I don't have to search long for it. Only push past the throngs of students 'till I find the number. I got really lucky when I got assigned my locker, it was in the middle of a very central area, so my classes all surrounded it.

"DI!" A very loud, very British accent chimes from behind me. "I missed you so much! How was your summer? I have sooo much to tell you!" She says all at once.

"Woah, calm down. I missed you too! I also have stuff to tell you but you first." I turn away from my locker- where I have finished putting in books-slam it, and give my full attention to Rebecca.

"K, so ya know how we both love Prince George?" She asks slowly.

"Yeah," I respond "and?"

"JENNA AND I SAW HIM! Ok so we were walking back from the Starbucks, like back down a little street in Brighton, we were walking one way and he was walking the other, like on the opposite street. I kind of freaked out a little. I grabbed Jenna's hand and gasped and she looked also and I was like ok keep calm and the next thing I knew he was crossing the street towards me and her! He walked up to us and he was like 'hey, what's your guys' names? And we told him our names and he goes, to me- where did you get that like about the Starbucks and I told him so he was like thank you so much, so we were like no problem and he walked away and I started freaking out and he turned around again and looked me in the eye, turned around again and started walking! But DI PRINCE GEORGE KNOWS MY NAME! HE WINKED AT ME!"

I stare at her open mouthed,

"No. Way!" I practically scream. "Now my news sounds so boring."

"It's fine, just tell me!"

"K, so like last Sunday my mom made me go to the beach with her and we ended up getting ice cream and the guy at the counter was REALLY hot. And, he gave me his number, he wrote it on the napkin that goes around the cone, isn't that so cute!"

"Yeah! What's his name? How old is he? Is he cute?" She comes out with a flood of questions.

"His name I don't know, he looks around out age, and he's really cute!" I announce, at the same time the PA says, "Diana Kinslet, please come to the office."

"UGH!" I groan, "I'll be right back ok?" I push myself off the locker and pick through the crowded hall.

"You violated the dress code!" The principal announces.

"What?" I ask, "oh, I guess my mind is still in summer mode!" I laugh lightly.

"Well, since this is your first in-fracture I will let you off with just a warning."

"Oh thank you so much!" I announce.

"Very well, you can go."

"Thank you!" I exclaim and practically run out of the office. In my haste I didn't really look where I was going and ended up crashing into somebody that felt extremely male.

"Oh, sorry." I mutter looking up at the person I crashed into. I meet not some stranger, but the same pair of turquoise eyes that met mine at the boardwalk.

"It's fine." He says at the same time I say

"Oh my god!"

"What?" He asks.

"You're that guy! From the ice cream store on the boardwalk! You gave me your number on the napkin!"

"Oh! Ya!" He winks at me, "I'm Logan by the way."

"I'm Diana."

I'm also blushing, but that's because he is even more gorgeous today in a polo, and a pair of jeans.

I end up trying to sidestep him, ending in disaster as he tries to step the same way as me. I end up dating around him to my locker,

"Text me!" He shouts down the hall to me."I know you have my number!"

I smile to myself before turning the corner to my locker.

Rebecca is still standing at next to my locker waiting for me.

"What took you so long?" She asks, "you said you wouldn't be long."

"You're not gonna believe this..."

Thanx for reading

- Sofia & Eden

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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