{Chapter 10 - Half dead, half alive}

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"I guess I need to go back to mee....." You thought before falling asleep. The last thing you saw was the 'popular pastas' coming to you and your Father from behind different trees, they started to say some things but you weren't able to hear them before you fell asleep.

~Update: Unlocked and achievement.

Achievement: Truth be told, you are better you then anyone else~


You woke on the couch in the living room.

"Oh all the places I could wake up on I woke up in here?!?!" You half screamed, you yawned standing up and made your way to your room.

You sleepily walked up the stairs to your room before collapsing on them.

"What is... happening to me..." you said sleepily as you closed your eyes feeling yourself sliding down the stairs head first. Somewhere in between where you fell to where the bottom of the stairs was, you could feel someone stopping you sliding up and picking you up. It didn't feel like your Fathers tendrils so it's wasn't Slenderman nor your Uncles, it was more of someone's human arms.

You felt them picking you up bridal style as they mumbled things, probably about you being stupid or something. For some reason you where still conscience so you could feel them walking around confusingly.

"I swear, how many times I walk here I still can't find my way through these halls." They mumbled quietly, you laughed a little making the person jump a little. "W-Wait, y-you c-c-can hear m-me??" They said in a shaky voices.

You tried to speak but your mouth would move a mussel, you tried for a while to at least open up your mouth but it didn't work.

"I guess you won't speak..." they mumbled a bit disappointed still walking. "I am gonna take you to your room okay? So just be quiet."

You stayed quiet as you enjoyed the moment. You enjoyed being carried around, you didn't have to do anything just the person holding you had to. You heard them mumble 'Finally' as you heard a door open up. You guessed that Milly wasn't there anymore because the person just walked up to your bed and placed you down on it.

"Now sleep until you are done, I don't want to see you falling down the stairs again okay?" The person said as they where walking away from you, you tried to laugh but it only came out as a long 'mmmmmmmm' which made the other person laugh. "See ya later (Y/N)" they said.

"I guess I need to sleep" you smiled to yourself as you started to fall asleep, then you saw a light. It was like a little hole in your dark, dark thoughts. "NEVER MIND I DONT WANNA GO TO SLEEP"

You started to panic trying to move around, but you still didn't move a muscle no matter how strongly you tried it did work. You tried to open your eyes and it worked! Not all the way up just a little bit, when you opened your eyes you could see that there was someone in the room with you.

You tried to speak to them but you where only able to open up your mouth and say the words really quiet. "help.. meee" you quietly whispered as you heard the person coming towards you.

"What is it?" They asked, they checked your pulse and gasped. They immediately lifted you up and took you somewhere. You felt yourself going up and down in their arms which probably means that they are running.

You heard the person stopping and starting to talk to someone, you heard the other person answer and taking you. You felt snake like arms taking you and someone getting close to your ear.

"It will be okay (Y/N), stay strong okay?" You heard Offender whisper in your ear, you tried to open up your eyes but for some reason you couldn't. For a split second you felt like you where about to throw up but that feeling slowly floated away.

You felt as Offender was moving around but that feeling slowly but surly got away, you started to feel heavy as Offender put you on some kind of table. Slowly you got into the world of dreams and fell down into a deep slumber.


"H-Huh??" You said as the world around you started to clear up. Your eyes where wide opened as you saw that you where in some weird colorful world.

"Aa! Finally you are awake!" A funny voice said, you turned to your right to see a person with weird clothing. Everything they where wearing was pretty gay but the thing that stood out the most was a bunny 'helmet' that covered up his hole face plus hair, at their neck you could even see some blood coming out. "Now we can finally start the tour of the museum!"

"W-Wait wha???" You said and looked at the bunny guy with a confused look.

"Don't be so shy (Y/N) dear, the tour is just starting and your fans are dying to met you!" The bunny guy said helping you up.

"Wait, fans?!?! Where am I, in a world where I am a movie star or some shit??" You asked the bunny guy ready to punch him.

"Now now dear, we don't want to go back to Zalgo's land now do we? So no hitting okay Sweetie?" The bunny guy said sassy.

"What the fuck is going on?" You asked yourself looking down and your clothes. "AND WHAT THE FUCK AM I WEARING?!?!"

You where wearing a black fedora with (f/c=favorite color/colored) patterns, (here you can have what ever clothes you want. Dress, long sleeved shirt, T-shirt, jeans, skirt, pants you name it! But your colors are all clashing)

"WHAT THE FUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK MY EYES" you said as you held your hands in front of your eyes.

~Update: Welcome to the land of Dreams~


Let's keep this short. Yes your scream was so loud that the chapter stopped there, and yes Idfk who this bunny character is I just made him in my mind.

Okay sleep well or have a good morning ☀️🌙

Words: 1044


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