zohaven says, "I dare you to set your hair on fire, Sirius's hair on fire, and Remus on fire at the same time. Imagine their reactions. Feel their wrath. Then, let them burn you at stake for exactly seven seconds. If you can tell, I'm in a very firey mood today."

James: *groans* Oh god.

Phoenix: This is what happens when a Marauder gets dares. Since you prank way too many people, Prongs-

James: I know, I know. I'm looking forward to setting Pads' hair on fire. Remus, poor poor Moony.

Phoenix: Let's do it. I'll set your hair on fire at the same time that you set Padfoot and Moony on fire.

James: *gives a crooked smile* Let's do this.

Phoenix and James run to the Gryffindor common room, Phoenix nods to James and James lights Sirius's hair and Remus's clothes at the same time as Phoenix lights James's hair on fire; they're all lit with matches.

Sirius: *looks at his hair* PRONGS!

James: *runs away from Sirius* Haha Padfoot, you can't catch me!

Remus: PADFOOT! PRONGS! WHO DID THIS?! *runs towards James*

James: *apologetically* Sorry, Moons. *smirks*

Phoenix: *laughing* Alright, dowse it all in water!

Remus takes a shower, then comes back up with half of his shirt destroyed. Sirius is still chasing James around, both their hair on fire. Phoenix pours a bucket of water on their heads, putting out the fire.

Phoenix: Alright Pads, Moons, time to burn Prongs at stake for seven seconds!

Sirius's eyes light up, paired with that iconic smirk of his. Sirius lights James on fire at the stake for exactly seven seconds. Remus looks worried; Sirius looks as if he's enjoying it. Remus douses James in water after seven seconds.

Remus: PRONGS!

James: What do you want, Moons?

Remus: *facewall* You burned my clothes on fire!

James: It was a dare!

Remus: Bloody hell, Prongs.

Hey guys! So, I was thinking of torturing another Marauder after I finish torturing James. This is by votes.

Vote for Padfoot? Comment here.

Vote for Moony? Comment here.

Want me to torture another character instead? Comment the character here. This will happen after I finish with Prongs.

~Phoenix Aquila Black.

People are giving me Dare after Dare now! I'm flattered that people like me, unlike Snivellus. Evans still won't go out with me!

Have any more questions for me? Comment them here.

Have any more dares for me? Comment them here.

Want Phoenix to torture anyone else after she's done with me? Vote up there!


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