assistant (2)

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Here's part two for those who asked for it😋

Also please vote and comment and request stuff because that's the only way I know how you guys are liking it and if there's any ideas you want me to work with :)



She was sitting down in the break room eating her lunch when she heard his voice boom down the hallway. Ava swallowed her bite of food, dabbed a napkin at the corner of her lips, and then frowned to herself as she turned to see her boss storming into the room with a stack of folders clutched in his hand, the veins visibly bulging against his knuckles.

"What the hell are these?" Mr. Styles barked, standing in front of her and snarling.

He looked well this morning; his hair appeared somewhat darker from whatever product he had put it in, the curls tamed into a quiff albeit a single strand that had escaped and trickled over his forehead, and the sleeves of his shirt were tugged up to his elbows. Swirls of ink were visible on his forearms, something that he rarely showed off while at work.

"Um... folders, sir," Ava answered after a moment.

The tone of her voice made his nostrils flare and he huffed out a breath, fingers threading through his hair before falling to his side.

"I know that," Harry grumbled. "I meant, what the hell are they doing just sitting in an unorganized stack, goddamnit. You need to order them by date."

"Okay," Ava replied calmly. She set her sandwich down and licked her lips, tilting her head to the side. "I can do that once I'm finished with my lunch."

He growled. "No, do it now."

His demanding tone made Ava shake her head. She softened her eyes and peered up at him, at his brooding frame and tense jaw. Then she caught his gaze and stared into his eyes intently while letting her lashes purposely flutter against the tops of her cheekbones. It took only a few moments before her boss's face began to soften against his will, and he swallowed, lips parting in submission just from the way she was looking at him. 

"It's my break right now," Ava murmured slowly, fighting off a smile. "I'm having my lunch. Just let me finish and then I can take care of it, alright?"

"I..." Her boss cleared his throat as his gaze flickered down to her lips, a flash of something unreadable passing through his eyes before he quickly looked away. His lips pursed. "Fine... Be quick about it, though."

And with that, he dropped the folders onto the table and stalked out of the room, leaving Ava to finish her lunch while wearing a suppressed grin the entire time.

It had been a few weeks since they returned from Los Angeles. The trip had been a success in more ways the one, because not only had Ava's boss made a deal with the wealthiest company in California, but she also noticed that ever since they got back to England, he had become much easier to handle. Mr. Styles was often letting his eyes linger on his assistant, no doubt remembering their brief time together in the plane, and Ava made sure to use that to her full advantage in order to keep him well behaved. She couldn't say that she wasn't enjoying every second of it- having even the slightest ounce of control over her cold boss made her stomach flutter and her lips curl into a smirk.

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