I'm scared

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   T-that was his name. No! No no! This cant be happening. My head tuned out the rest of what she had said. I felt the tears streaming down my face before I realized I was crying. I stood up, My legs were shaking so bad I didn't think I would be able to. I slung my bag over my shoulders and stumbled off to the bathroom.

   I leaned over the sink and looked at my tear streaked face. Then I thought of something terrible. 'What if he didn't make it?' Tears then flowed down my face like a river. I left the bathroom. for the first time in  a while, I'm scared.


Before I managed to get off of the plane a flight attendant stopped me. "Are you Marah Chambers sir?" I nodded "well you see sir, the company accidentally put you on the wrong list."  "and?" They explained everything to me. about how I was put on the wrong list of people.  When I finally got off of the plane my heart dropped. I didn't see Taylor anywhere. I walked off to the baggage claim Thinking that I would find him there or at least around there. I saw my luggage. My hand was clasped around the handle then I got really anxious.

   A tall woman tapped me on the shoulder. "Do you need help finding your parents sweetie?" I chuckled slightly. "I'm looking for my boyfriend." I said quietly. She laughed. "Well I hope you find him sweetie!" I smiled then walked away.

   I was walking by the bathrooms when I saw a boy with his head in his hands.

"T-Taylor?'' I stuttered. he looked up. My boy's eyes lit up. "MARAH!" He yelled he ran to me. His arms wrapped around me tightly. I felt tears running down my face. He looked up at me and just broke down sobbing. We fell to the floor gaining attention from the people around us. He pulled away and cupped my cheeks in his hands. I felt his lips against mine.

   I've waited for this moment so long. I never wanted it to end. We just kinda sat there in each other's arms for a while. It felt like forever. Someone started clapping then almost everyone did. As we stood up i grabbed my boyfriends chin. "I love you" He ruffled my hair. "I love ya too you dork." He said playfully. "Hey!" I said in defense. "but you're my dork"

WELL THAT WAS FUN TOO WRITE. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. i'm trying to get better at that. but Ya know. Let me just say I fangirled SO HARD .

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