I can.... What?!

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Hey readers, new chapter here! Ok, so we are at the end of fourth year! Good or bad? I don't know. But you need another book, right? So I'll give you one. But I need to know what year to do it in. Should I continue from this and into 5th year, do 6th year as a new story, or 3rd year. I could do a book of non-smutty one-shots, fluffy. I don't do smut though, so please can I stop getting requests. I may read fanfics with it in, but I don't write it. Anyway, you guys need to comment! The power is in your hands. I also might write some Dramione or Drarry one-shots too. Because why not? I need your opinions though. I'll do a one-shot book anyway, but what year should I write another whole story on. Anyway, this will have some angst in it, and I won't go into too much detail with the task. It'll mainly start from the portkey. Because we've all read the books or watched the films, so we know what goes down in the maze.

Anyway, that's enough.
A/N, I doubt any of you read this anyway, but I do need you all to comment below in what year I should write next. Final chapter is next, so thanks for all you who read up to here. On to Harry..


Red sparks shot up into the air, causing the crowd, who were beginning to grow quite restless, to murmur, pondering over who was next to leave the maze. Fleur had an almost greatful look upon her face as she realised she wouldn't be the only one to need rescuing, and assumed Harry had come to her fellow champion's rescue as he had with her. She truly regretted her 'little boy' comment as the Potter scion had shown he was more than up to the challenge, and actually had a chance at wininning. Despite this, he still help out the people he was competing against. Honourable young man.

The Potter head of house and his wife looked slightly anxious, as they wondered if their son had finally been beaten by the many creatures within the maze. They swore thay had heard a werewolf howl. Hermione was pale throughout, though she was during every task. The witch couldn't help worry that her boyfriend would finally lose his battle, despite him seemingly having a natural defence against dying, though Merlin know's he had come close, and not return to her. After all, he was a 14 year old in an adult's battle. However, the announcement soon came that Viktor Krum had been retrieved, apparently having been beaten in a duel, and recovering from the imperious curse. This tournament just got darker.

The murmuring once again dulled, as the crowd returned their attention to the maze. It was dark now, and in the 2 hours since the final task of the Tri Wizard Tournament had begun, the two foreign competitors had been rendered unable to continue. Now only Hogwarts could win. It was Hufflepuff against Gryffindor. Loyalty against bravery. Yellow vs Red. Badger against the lion.


"Cedric, you take it." Harry Potter began to back away from the acromantula he had just saved the Hufflepuff champion from, and pointed Cedric towards the cup. "You deserve it. You're the real champion."

"Harry, don't be so modest. You saved my life twice just in this task! Not to mention the tip off about the dragons. You deserve it."

"What about the lake? Hermione would still be down there if it wasn't for your suggestion." The argument was going back and forth.

"OK, how about this? Since I won't back down, and nor will you, let's both take it. Hogwarts wins, our houses can share the pride, and we end it as a draw." The older boy's suggestion was logical. Harry pondered the idea for a short while, before he decided that he wouldn't win, and saw this as the best option.

"Fine. I guess it's the only way we'll get out of here before dawn." Harry sighed. "On three.."




Harry's complexion became one of shock as he felt the infamous tugging behind his navel as the portkey activated. It was a trap..


"Cedric! Grab the cup and run! It's him!"

"I'm not leaving you! We said together!"

"GO CEDRIC!" Harry roared, and that was final. Even Cedric Diggory, who was three years older than Harry, realised he had to obey, and grabbed the cup, before returning tp Hogwarts.

Harry's eyes narrowed. Then they flashed with anger as he spotted Pettigrew hunched over something. A.. couldron? On a headstone? Marvolo Riddle?

Pettigrew was muttering something under his breath. That was when Harry realised this was a ritual.

"Bone of the father, unknowingly taken. You will revive your son.." The rat animagus dropped what Harry assumed was the bone of Voldemort's father into the potion. It bubbled and spat.

We all know the ritual, so I'm not repeating it, but Harry isn't tied up, that's vital.

"...You will resurrect your foe..."

It was then that Pettigrew's hunched figure turned towards Harry, as though he had known he was there the whole time, and advanced, with the knife in his hand. His good hand. Blood shone on the blade, from when the Death Eater had cut off his own hand during the ritual. It looked menacing.

"Potter.." Wormtail spat. "Stay still and this'll only hurt a bit.. Until of course, my master returns, then he can do as he pleases to torture you. I anticipate the cruciatus curse will be inflicted at least 7 times. It seems to be your number, doesn't it, Potter?" Peter Pettigrew's voice was snake-like and arrogant. But Harry bided his time before he went to stun the smirk off his parents' betrayer's face.

" Stupefy!!" Harry cried, aiming his wand at the traitor. Pettigrew was knocked back, giving Harry just enough time to roll out of the way. Unfortunately for Harry, Peter had managed to grab some of Harry's blood from a cut he got from the grave. Pettigrew laughed cruelly as he dropped the small amount of red liquid into the cauldron.
Harry thought on the spot and shouted "I give my blood to the ritual!"
This had an enormous effect as Voldemort rose from the smoke. The newly resurrected dark lord cackled and reached out for Harry's forehead, having spotted him ducking between graves, hissing "I can... what?!" That last word came out as a shriek as his finger came in contact with Harry's scar, only to sizzle, forcing him to coil back in pain.
Harry took this as his opportunity to escape, and, on a whim, decided to attempt apparition. He focused on where he wanted to go, Dumbledore's office, and attempted the impossible.
To his awe and surprise, Harry opened his eyes to find he was, in fact, stood in front of fawkes. And, he noticed, apparently everyone close to him. He gulped, and slowly looked up at his parents, Sirius, Ron, the Weasleys, Mcgonnagall, Dumbledore, and, he still couldn't help but find her beautiful even with tears streaming down her face and her cheeks blotched, his Hermione.
Before he could comprehend what was happening, a mass of brown hair was in his face, and wetness was forming in his shoulder. He realised, with some comfort, that it was Hermione who had leapt into his arms, and, to his alarm, was crying on his shoulder. He looked down at her shaking figure and whispered to her.
"Hermione, I'm alright."
Ok so there's another chapter. I apologise for taking so long to update, I had a mind block, a lot going on, and generally couldn't find the time or inspiration. But, here I am, and here's your update. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it!
Don't forget to comment, vote and follow!!
~Izzy O-O

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