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"Well, today is the last day of school and I know you guys are excited for summer but we've got some things to discuss," Mrs. Jung says getting the attention of the class full of noisy teenagers discussing their summer plans with their friends and classmates. I sit in the back looking out the window silently until I hear Mrs. Jung's voice, that's when I turn my eyes her direction.

"I promise I'm only going to talk to you guys about two things then I'll let you guys talk to each other," She exclaims. The class lets out a sound of excitement while I roll my eyes just thinking of how loud it's going to get.

"First thing that needs to be addressed is that I expect you to read the books I have assigned to you on this list I'm passing around," She says as she gives a small stack of paper to each person on the front row. I takes a few minutes for the paper to reach my desk towards the back of the class. I look at the list noticing that I've read most of the books on the summer reading list but they are ones that I know I wouldn't mind reading again.

"The second thing I need to address is that I am very disappointed in the amount of people who signed up for the summer writing program," she expresses.

I was the only one unless she had another sign up sheet other than the one in the library. But I would totally okay if I was the only one going from this school.

"There were only two people who signed up to go," she continues, pulling me out of my own train of thought. Well there goes that idea right out the window.

"I'm going to pull the ones who signed up aside now, so continue your previous conversations," she says as she points to me walking to her desk.

I quickly gather my stuff and go to her desk.

"I was so pleased and pleasantly surprised when I saw that you signed up for writing program especially after you told me that you weren't planning on going," she exclaims excitedly. I nod in response. "I'm glad you decided to go because I think you'll have so much fun. I know you love to write."

"Yes ma'am. Whose the other person who signed up? I was the only person who wrote their name on the sign up sheet," I ask explaining my confusion.

"There was another sign up sheet near the office," she says clearing up some confusion.

"Who signed up other than me though?" I ask once more because she completely ignored it.

"Jihoon," she says and instantly know who she's talking about, Woozi. I think about dropping out of going just because of the name. But Mrs. Jung doesn't let me contemplate for long.

"You really should go. You've already signed up and it's already been payed for," she explains. I nod and gather my stuff because the bell rings signalling summer. The entire class forgets their sanity and their reading lists while they run out of the classroom.

I stay behind while I let the animals that are my classmates run wild and fight for their beloved summer break.

Once I think everyone is put of the building, I begin to head out. I'm stopped by someone on my way out Mrs. Jung's classroom.

"Are you Remi? Park Remi?" A male voice says from behind me. I nod turning around to put a face to the voice.

"I finally figured out who you are. I'm W-"

"Your Woozi as most people call you, I know," I say cutting the guy who I have never spoken to in my entire life.

"I am that's me," he confirms even though I don't need the confirmation. "Your the one I'm going to be at a camp with for an entire two months. Interesting,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I question.

"It's just you don't seem to be the one who writes. You seem to be more of a reader," he explains.

"Neither do you, Mr. So-called-popular. And why can't I be both a writer and a reader? Most authors enjoy reading in there spare time. Why would I be different?" I begin to rant.

He laughs slightly.

"Did you just call me 'Mr. So-called-popular'?"

"Yes," I reply "Now excuse me but I need to get the last of my stuff out of my locker so I can go home," I say then turn around to do what I said.

"I feel like you hate me," I hear him say as I look to see him now walking beside me. "And I don't know why you would because we've never talked. You don't know me enough to hate me."

I scoff.

"Of course he would think like that."

"What was that?" He asked.

"Did I said that aloud?" I question back. He simply nods in reply.

"Oh..." I say as I stop to unlock my locker, and I begin to take the last of my stuff out of it. "Don't worry about it. Don't you have somewhere to be or somewhere to go or something?"

"No, not really. My parents aren't home yet so I'd be locked outside my house for a few hours." He says in response.

"Why don't you have a key?" I ask.

"I do. It's just that I left it on the counter this morning. So back on topic here. Why do you hate me?" He shoots back a question.

I don't respond because honestly I don't know how to.

"See you don't have an answer. You don't know me well enough to hate me," he states a smidge of pride in his voice.

"Well then you don't know me because I have a lot of people I don't know," I say as I slam the locker door shut and run down the hallways and out the school doors.

Nightmare// Seventeen WooziWhere stories live. Discover now