chapter one

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"Oh my baby is finally going to a summer camp," my mom says as I pack the last of my stuff.  

"Mom, it's not that big of a deal. It's just two months and it's for writing. It's a writing camp," I explain for the hundredth time just today.

"I know but it's the first time you're going away for summer without me," she says as she walks towards me arms open wide. I brace myself for a hug. "Just don't forget to write."

"Mom that's the whole purpose of the camp is to write," I say teasing her.

"You know what I mean!" She exclaims as she releases me from her motherly embrace.

"I do, and I will write home to you often. I promise," I say hugging her again. "And you know how I am with promises. I never break them."

"I know. So promise me this, that you'll try to get along with this Jihoon guy. Please just try because he'll be the only one there you know and it's a good thing to have someone close that you know," she pleads.

"Momma, don't ask me to make a promise I don't know I'll be able to fulfill."

"I'm not." She simply says. I look at her like the crazy woman she sounds like. "I mean it's not like I'm asking you to be extremely close with him. I'm just asking for you to try- just try- to get along with him."

"Fine. I'll attempt but don't be mad when I write to you and tell you that I almost strangled him."

"That's all I'm asking but please don't harm him. I don't want to pay the hospital bill," she says, being completely serious, and I know she is.

I let her go when I hear a honk from the street out front.

"There's my ride. I've got to go. Bye, mom!" I say as I grab both my backpack, which is now full of things to keep me occupied on this long car ride that is coming my way and my duffle bag full of clothes. I open the door to find Mrs. Jung standing there waiting on me. I greet her and walk with her to the trunk of her car and place my bag next to another bag.  'Wait. Another bag. No! Please no!'

"Why is there a second bag in here?" I asked fearing the answer that inevitable.

"Oh, that! I meant to tell you but Jihoon is going to ride with us," she said. I sigh as I close the trunk.

I go to open the driver's side back seat door, but when I do, I find Woozi already sitting there. 


"Hello Remi," he greets looking up at me from his seated position

"Please go to the other side," I state making an effort to be nice.

"Why? I like it here plus I was here first."

"I need to sit here. Please, just move."


"Please move."

"No." He steadily pushes

"I'm trying to be nice here. If later down this car ride, you don't want me to regurgitate my breakfast all over you; I'd suggest you move," I say my patience wavering on its last limb.

I know I made some progress because his eyes go wide and he undoes his seatbelt.

"Thank you," I say as I take my seat.

Woozi walks around the car and gets into the back passenger side seat, and buckles in. Mrs. Jung finally starts the car from the open window I wave a final goodbye to my mother.

"Is it just a lazy thing just not wanting to walk around the car?" Jihoon asks as soon as we hit the main road.

"No, it's this thing called motion sickness it affects a lot of people and everyone who had it has tricks to lessen the feeling some take pills, some sit in certain places, and some people like me do both. So no it's not about me being lazy," I explain trying not to curse because I'm in a teacher's vehicle.

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