The rescue

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Eric's POV

'Where am I?'

It felt like someone was hammering my head over and over again. I look at my surroundings wondering where I was and if there were any way to escape. But sadly the room only had a small circular air vent that my head would probably barely fit through. Then I realize that my hands and feet are chained to the ground. I try to pull them and see that the block that they are connected to moves a little bit.

"Well well well look at who's finally awake. I wondered how long you were going to stay asleep." I look up to see a silhouette in a door way that I never noticed. it has to be a hidden door. i think.

"Well seeing as how I can't really sleep the whole day away. I might as well wake up to see who wants to have fun, right?" I say with as much sarcasm that I could taste it in my mouth. He gives me a scowl and walks over to me and lifts my head pulling my hair.

"Now lets not forget who is chained up and is oh so very vulnerable." he pulls out a knife and slices it against my arm causing me to moan.

"I'm guessing you're not a very talkative person? I mean i know you probably don't like me, but come on i just woke up and you're going to try and cut me already?" i say looking at him with a sarcastic smile. 

"Well you see, I won't have to cut you if you decide to cooperate." He says cleaning his knife with a cloth. 

"Well you see, it depends on what you want me to do." 

"I want you to either kill your former alpha, or you can tell me about all your weak spots of your pack." I look at him and nod. I motion with my head for him to come closer to me. I look at him straight in the eye and tell him, "You can go to hell and burn." then i spat in his face. 

He wipes his face and looks at me, "Oh little one. You are going to talk one way or another. Either your're going to talk words or you're going to talk screams. 

(A/N i know it probably doesn't make sense but hey he had to say something along the lines of that.)

He slams his knife into my right arm making me moan in pain. It stayed that way for hours.Him slashing my body with a knife or any type of weapon. Ending with cuts and bruises all over my torso.

Ari's POV

It's around 10 in the morning when we are on our way to the rogues' hide out. It looks like a mansion from the outside, but I could rogues everywhere.

"Alpha. We found people patrolling the area we are at so be on the look." i hear someone say through the mind link. 

I repeat the message to the rest of the pack. A group of my pack including me sneak into the hide out. Now i know that yes the rogues are werewolves who have super hearing and smell, but we do know how to mask our scents and we also have the grace of the wind. 

So as we moved through the place that i can only explain as an abandoned maze or something because trust me when i say that all the twist and turns in the freaking place was way too many to count. i mean there are way too many to count. We just followed the scent of Eric, well the scent we could actually smell. Every rogue we found was either killed or knocked out. 

The rest of the pack was waiting outside waiting for my signal for them to come fight. We were just in a hallway when it felt like there were speakers all around us put on full blast. The screeching sound of what was like nails on a chalk board. We fell on our knees and covered our ears with our hands trying to block out the sound. 

I don't know how someone could withstand that sound but somehow they did and we were being carried into another room. When we are set down the ringing in my ears begin to subside and so does the pain it had bring with it. I take a look at our surrounding and see that we're in somewhat a showroom. There was men all around the room. 

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