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After a long day we get home and honestly I'm ready for bed.

"Bren I'm just gonna go straight to bed." I say.

"More like 'im going to lay on my bed and be on my phobe for four hours'. But whatever. Goodnight. I had a great day with you." He says.

"Me too. " i say walking to my room.

Ray texted me

'You so like Brendon!'

'I do not!'

'You do so go see if he wants to go out tomorrow.'

I call him in my room.

"Um.... er..... Bren...... do you wanna y'know...... like go out tomorrow." I aske rather awkwardly.

"Like a um...... date?" He asks

"Uh yes?" Fuck me i cant spema right.

"I'd love to." He says.

He walks out.

I cant believe he said yes.

~~~ teh next day wooo~~~

I wake up.

I have a dat with brendon in....  ITS 5:00 I HAVE AN HOUR TO GET READY!

I rush

Hopefully Brendon will like it

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Hopefully Brendon will like it.

I check the time 5:45. Hmm might as well pick up Bren.

I walk across the hallway.

"Bren are you ready?" I ask.

"Uh yeah." He opens the door.

"You um look great." He says. I blush.

"Thanks. You look uh pretty amazing yourself." I say.

We head out and go to a vegitarian resturaunt.

"Y'know I'm glad we are going out tonight. I really like you Alex." Brendon says.

"You know what. I really like you too." I say.

~~after food~~

We are going walking around a park.

I look down noticing that Bren is holding my hand.

"I'm having a really great time Alex." Bren says.

"Me too. I love spending time with you." You love him and you know it.

"Hey Lex? Willyoubemygirlfriend?" He asks.

"Yes. Dont ask how I understood you but yes I will be your girlfriend." I say hugging him.

We continue to walk in comfortable silence.

~~at home~~

Bren stops at my bedroom door and we stare at each other.

He has beautiful eyes.

He leans down.

We kiss.

A/N this is a v short filler chapter because im at my gmas

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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