Love at First Bite

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Konichiwa!!! WinterFairy has you guys doin...been awhile since I've seen y' might be wondering "Where has WF gone? Is she dead? Was she kidnapped? Is she currently in a mental hospital?" Well I can assure u That I was and still am one of those things...dead. I was also gone bc Lil Ms. Alpha wanted to go and write everything else bc well...actually idrk...


(D/n)~ daughters name
I have named your second child after Levi but everyone calls him Junior or JR. (kekekeke~ get it Alpha?)


Your P.O.V ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

It's been 10 years since Levi and I got married. This has been the best decade of my life.

In that time we've had two kids. Settling down wasn't as easy as we thought...considering we had our darling little (D/n) a year before we tied the knot.

Running through the halls of our two story house, I chased after my youngest son, Junior. All of a sudden Levi jumps out from around the corner scaring both you and Junior. Laughing he picks up the little toddler, blowing slightly on his exposed stomach. I chuckle softly at my husbands actions and wrap a towel around the wet-haired two year old. He has my bright (e/c) orbs and Levi's raven colored hair. "I love you guys" I laugh.

Smirking Levi lifts up my chin and kisses me passionately while holding Junior. In the background I hear my eleven year old daughter (D/n) gag quietly behind me. Pulling away I see Levi's expression sadden as I turn around enveloping (D/n) in a tight embrace. She struggles against my grip.

"This will be you and your husband one day you know that right, (D/n)?" I laugh.

"Nope, not over my dead body, will she ever date a man. Plus three days just to make sure i'm dead." Levi smirks.

"Ugh, no fair Levi...considering you, you'll never die, cause' you dont wanna see you wittle baby girl gwow up.By the way (D/n), have we told you about how me and your father met?" I make a little pouty face on behalf of my daughter and ask. She laughs running her fingers through her (h/c) hair, here hetorochromic eyes glistens, one steel grey eye and one (e/c) eye, as she laughs.

Her expression falls "Yes, mom you've told me and Junior this story many times, SO MANY TIMES THAT I'VE MOST LIKELY MEMORIZED EVERY WORD!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! YOU GUYS MET IN HIGH SCHOOL, IT WAS A LOVE HATE RELATIONSHIP, I'VE BEEN HEARING THAT STORY FROM YOU, DAD, AND AUNT HANJI FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS OF MY LIFE!!!" She yells. I deadpan at her reaction. 'Yup...she totally got her dad's personality' I think to myself.

"Well, you're going to hear it again if you keep up with that attitude,"Levi glares "and just so you know our 'love hate relationship' was also love at first bite." He smirks at (D/n) while I take Junior from his hands. She pouts "Sorry...oh yeah...since we're talking about relationships...I need to tell you something..." She fiddles with the hems of her shirt while speaking.

I lightly laugh as I walk up to her patting her on the back. "Good luck (D/n/n) (Daughter's nickname)" I whisper in her ear. Levi looks at me questionably "You know something don't you (Y/n)..." I smile at him and wink, a slight blush appears on his face. " might want to sit down for this..." (D/n) whimpers(get it? cuz (y/n) used to be a fine then *walks to corner and grows mushrooms* Tamaki: HEY THATS MY THING STOP IT!!! Author: TAMAKI WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? THIS ISNT YOUR ANIME! Tamaki: *Storms off*). "Tch, this better be good." Levi walks into the living room and I hear him plop himself onto the couch.

I walk upstairs into Juniors room to change him. After placing a shirt and pants on him, I tuck him in and kiss him on the head. Gently closing his door, I hear Levi scream, "WHAT!? YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!? I DO NOT APPROVE OF THIS!" I sigh as I walk into the living glaring at Levi for yelling. "Levi, It's 8 P.m at night, I don't feel like hearing our neighbors rant about how loud you're being right now, plus I just put Junior to sleep, if he starts crying you're taking care of it." I state. "Oh, yeah sorry...I'll lower my voice." I sigh in relief at his answer, walking past him to sit next to (D/n) I hear him whisper "Mom", I turn around and glare at him once more "Do you want to sleep down here tonight? Cause' it sounds like you do." My voice lowering. Levi laughs to himself, "What's so funny?' I question "You're already on thin ice mister."

He chuckles one more "Ya know (Y/n), you're pretty hot when you're mad. You know that right?" I glare at him once more. "Ew dad...I'm literally sitting right here...gross." (D/n) stands up but a hand is placed on her shoulder forcing her to sit down. (D/n) looks up and glares at her father "What was that for? I'd like to leave if you mind." I raise an eyebrow and chuckle. "You both have a similar glare...but she has my attitude. You are going to be one hormonal teen." I state. Levi looks at me questionably as if he doesn't know what I'm talking about...but knowing him he's just blocking off the thought of his baby girl frowning up."Well(D/n) there are still a few things I want to discuss with you about this boyfriend of yours." Levi continues on, ignoring what I said before.

Yup this is my family...weird, cheesy, abnormal, paranormal, and just straight up strange but...I could ask for anything else.

I guess Levi and I's relationship is


Love at first bite.



And sorry for the long and random wait. I was just being my normal lazy self and procrastinated. No excuses.

Omg help it's 4:51 a.m. right now and that means I have to wake up in exactly 4hrs and 9mins just to get ready and see some family...

Well I guess this is goodbye for now. Until next time my lovely Fairy Lights.


(P.s. I'm sorry...there may be some grammar errors in this chapter and like all of my other's to early to think properly...welp I'm off to binge watch so baiii)

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