Chapter 1

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The car pulled up closer to my new school. Boarding school. According to my Dad and step Mum I was too of a handful. I mean, come on, I'm 15 years old. They can't expect me to be perfect.

"So, what now? You're going to run off back to Scotland, and leave me here with a load of English kids I've never met in my life?" I ask, a gulp in my throat.

"Mia..." My Dad sighs. "Just try and fit in, okay?" he places his hands on my shoulders.

"Nobody keeps promises" I reply.

"Mia..." He tuts.

"Remember how you promised you'd never give up on me? Because you loved me too much?". Dad put his head in his hands, but that didn't stop me from putting the truth out there. "You told me that whatever happened, it would always be us two... Then of course Maria came along.". He attempts to stop me talking, but I make sure I get to say exactly what I want about Maria (my step mum). "It's like you totally forgot about Mum. When she disappeared, you said you could never love a women again. What happened to that?" I snap.

"That was 4 years ago. Things change." he slightly snaps.

I shake my head with a slight laugh. "I wish I saw it that way."

The taxi man beeps. "Look, I've got to go. I'll call you later. Love you." he plants a kiss on my forehead and climbs back in the car.

I turn and walk towards a Middle aged women. After asking me about 21 questions, she hands me a name tag and gives me a key to dorm room 28.

"Come to reception or ask one of the other girls if you have any questions" She grins, cheerily, before scuttling back down the corridor.

I attempt to stick my key in the lock, but it won't go in. Puzzled, I push the door open.

There's another girl inside. I'm sharing? The brunette who looks about the same age as me looks up towards me. "Oh, I'm guessing you're the new girl? My names Lottie." she smiles.

"Hey, I'm Mia" I reply, with a brief smile. She seemed friendly and I didn't want to fall out with who seemed to be my room mate, but I didn't want to make this easy for my Dad either.

"Oh my god! I love your accent! I'm guessing you're Scottish?" Lottie's jaw drops.

"Yeah..." I smile awkwardly, as I dump my suitcase on the only other bed that wasn't covered in magazines.

"Anyway, I'm 15. I'm from East Midlands, and my brothers just joined year seven" she tells me.

"I'm 15 too." I smile.

"Cool. Do you want help unpacking?".

I nod and we both begin unpacking all my clothes and random bits I wanted to bring with me.

She tells me about the school. All the rules they have, times the lessons are, and all that. I don't know how I will be ready to eat breakfast at 7:30am. Well, this school is certainly going to be a challenge for me...

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