Sparks ✨

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Lauren's pov
N:Lauren your the flyer Mackenzie is to heavy for it
she said happily
So after cheer Mackenzie came up to me and asked
K:why didn't you stand up for me
L:because I'm not friends with sluts
K:what do you mean
L:stop pretending Mackenzie you did it With Hayden so he would come back to you
K:I did not what are you talking about
L:stop lying we're not friends anymore bye slut
Then I went home and there was john and said hey john
J:hey choppy where's kenz
L:u mean the slut
J:wait what are you even hearing yourself r u drunk
L:of course I'm not drunk
Then I told him everything
J:Nadia is lying she would never do that
L:go ask her yourself if u want to believe that slut
J:fine I will
Johns pov
I cannot believe choppy how can she believe such a lie so I went to my window to see across from it a sad Mackenzie so I grabbed a note book and wrote
J:R u okay
K:why would you care
J:bcs I care about you and I don't like to see you crying please tell me what's wrong
K:I have no one and you probably hate me
J:why would I hate u ?
K:because everything that everyone
She said that as a tear came rolling down her face
I couldn't take it anymore
I climbed the tree and entered her room and hugged her as she cried on my shoulder
Then she pulled out of the hug
Mackenzies pov
He hugged me I felt sparks
Then he said "can I spend the night I don't want to leave you alone" I just nodded not wanting to speak
Then we got In my bed and looked into each other's eyes until he.......
Wassup my dudes ik I'm weird ok enjoy this short update I promise I'll update more anyways I'm bored so why not update anyways enjoy Mkay byeee -jasmine💕

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