you have to guess the right character. I'll give you 3 hints. every time you get it right you get 10 points. I'll have challenge questions too they have different points.
I'll keep track of your scores too. let me know if you don't understand it.
I need 25 people to look at it before I get started.
you have to answer in the comment thing or my message board I'll give you prizes at the end. now the rules :)
1. you can't look for the answers on the Internet
2. don't ask for help
3. you only answer once
4. you can't ask for more hints
5. on challenge don't pick the same one as someone else ( they might be wrong)
6. you can only use books on wattpad or other people's profile
7. don't say any bad words
8. don't be mad if you weren't in first
if you break any of the rules you have to lose 10 points. have fun!!!!!!!