In A Heartbeat review and thoughts

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This is not a story or fan fiction of IAH because it is literally perfect! This is merely things I want to get off my chest after watching such perfection.

So let's start off with the fact that his name is Sherwin like honestly so perfect and his hair omg so cute, but anyways let's move to the actual story. As we all know Sherwin is in love with Johnathan and at first just watching from afar was enough for Sherwin, but his feelings become so much they just personify in to this little heart. Can I just say that honestly that is fucking scary because can you imagine loving someone so much your heart is literally begging to be with someone and you just can't confess because you just know you'll be rejected but your heart is willing to try.

Honestly tears.

Anyways his heart begins to chase after Johnathan and he desperately wants to contain this feeling that is driving him nuts, but it is hopeless because that heart will not give up. And honestly wow that is a brave thing to do to let your heart just lead you up there or force you before this person that makes you go pwuah!! Yeah maybe he's not ready but when will anyone ever be? Taking that chance, that risk is something people tend to avoid as he was doing it up until the part where his heart literally throws itself at Johnathan.

Not that I blame it.

But if we were to see this a in literal point of view than Sherwin spills his heart and confessed (again its how I see it, it maybe different for others) but he was so in the moment that he totally forgot where he was. Ever heard that phrase love makes you do crazy things? Well I'm not sure how that applies to this but I feel like it does. And when he does realize where they are he becomes ashamed causing the slight crack, but when he looks to Johnathan for help he looks away. It may have not meant rejection but Sherwin was literally giving him half of him to Johnathan and him looking away was to much for his already very fragile heart and he could not handle what he considered; rejection.

Again more tears.

Falling in love is such a dangerous and wonderful thing because it makes you feel good and in seventh heaven, but when it isn't enough for you to just like this person anymore you realize that, "Shit! It hurts!" That feeling that once made you feel like heaven now eats away at you. Honestly kill me!


We see Sherwin siting there with his feelings out in the open exposed and broken, crying because he left a piece of his heart with him. "I left a part of me with you." Can I just say these words have never been shown so beautifully, and if they have sorry but not to me. I was so broken up about this because wow I just came out here to have a good time and honestly I'm feeling so attacked right now! Jesus!

And then he comes around.

At first Sherwin is afraid of allowing him near, but one look was all he needed to see Johnathan was not there to hurt him. And this is the part that stood out to me the most and I don't know if this was intentional or not but when Johnathan placed the two pieces together he didn't move away to let Sherwin do it on his own NO! he held his hands and fixed it with him. If this doesn't scream acceptance and love than I don't know what does!!! True he was afraid at first but who wouldn't?? Coming out isn't a walk in the park. But he stayed and he fell in love with our ginger head smol bean.

This short film covered so much in four minutes I won't be surprised if it won a Grammy. I know the struggles of falling in love, but this was so much more than that. Being gay in this world filled with hate is the most terrifying thing, but falling in love is dangerous and seem so out of reach. But you know what....people are shitty and no matter what you do people will judge you and hate you for being happy so say fuck it and give your heart the happiness it deservers and I know it will not be easy hell nothing is easy in this obstacle filled path called life, but when you surround yourself with people who love you or even that one person; it will seem like you can conquer even hell itself.

Fall in love. Be happy. You are allowed even if everyone says no.

PS: When he jumps in to the trashcan; BITCH SAME! And touching the hair wow SLICK BOY!!

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