Make me feel okay again

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I woke up to feeling of someone kissing my forehead, so my eyes quickly snap open and saw Andy laying next to me.

"Andy, when did you get here?" I asked him

"About 5 mintues ago, I figured I would come wake you up." He said while holding out his hand to help me get out of my bunk.

"So,what are we doing to do today?" I asked him while grabbing some clothes so I could change.

"I dont know yet, but while your changing I will figure it out." He said then left so I could change

I changed trying to be careful of my bandaged arms, which I can take off today but I cant do it myself ,so Ill have Andy do it with me. I finished getting ready, then grabbed my hoodie and walked to the front of the bus where Andy and Shawn were playing video games.

"You ready?" I asked him grabbing his coat handing it to him

"Yes ma'm" He set down the controller and waved bye to Shawn and walked out of the bus with me

"So where to" He asked as we intertwined our fingers

"Lets walk to the park down the street" I said pulling him

We were walking down the street and getting strange and nasty looks from passing people but I just shook them off and kept going. We arrived at the park and found this little bench to sit on, so we walked over to it and sat down.

"Uhm.. Andy can you help me take off my bandages" I asked moving closer to him

"Of course baby" He said grabbing my arm

He took out the little clips holding them bandages together and started to unwrap my arm, once he was done. He was tearing up at the sight of my stitched up arm, he leaned his head down and laid soft kissed down my arm.

"Alexx you have to promise me you wont do this again, I cant loose you" He said pulling me into a hug

"I promise" I said backing up and holding out my other arm for him to unwrap

He slowly repeated the process of unwraping my arm, and kissed my stiched up cuts again

We just sat there for a moment taking everything in

"Alexx, I love you so much" he said then pulled me in for a kiss

"I love you too Andy" I said right before our kiss

This man makes everything seem okay for once, he makes me happy , he makes me feel so alive, he makes me feel okay again I thought to myself.

8 years ago I commited a sin (Andy Glass) fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now