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Natie puts away the gun then runs over to hug chloe

(Natie ) Hugh chloe you ok

(Chloe ) I'm fine what are you doing here

(Natie ) we were walking and we saw the doors were broken so we came in what's going on here and what was that thing

(Chloe ) a zombie beast but whatever it was it was hard to kill

(Cassie ) OK there's a lot of zombies out there so if we're gonna get out of here we got to go another way

(Chloe ) hang I got some people with me

Then Clarie and Carmon get there

(Clarie ) I got Carmon who's this

(Natie ) I'm natie I'm cousin

(Cassie ) I'm cassie

(Clarie ) Clarie this Carmon

(Carmon ) hey

(Natie ) where's your brother

(Chloe ) I don't know last I saw him he was at the mall

(Natie ) he could still be there we got to go get him

(Chloe ) there's a water out just down those stairs

Cassie hears the zombies banging on the door from the other side she starts walking

(Cassie ) then we better move

They look at her then start walking after her they get to the door Clarie kicks it open then she holds it open they walk down then Clarie let's go of the door and walks behind them

(Natie ) is there anyone else alive

(Chloe ) Clarie Carmon and ally were the only ones I found

(Natie ) where the other girl

(Chloe ) she didn't make it

(Natie ) you think lotus is still alive

(Chloe ) he can handle himself

Cassie walks out the door walking in to a parking lot that's destroyed chloe natie Clarie and Carmon walks out to see it they all stand there cassie takes one step then a rope gets pulled up and rapes around her leg it flips her upside down

(Natie ) cassie

Natie goes to help her then guys in all black army suits and black helmets with the shades down and armed with guns pointed at them 2 guys go up to natie and tase her in the back of the neck and on her back natie falls to the ground chloe tries to run to her but 2 more guys grab her and push her back then they take her 1 guy goes and hits cassie 3 times in the stomach 2 more guys go behind Clarie and Carmon one guy tries to put hand cuffs on Clarie and Clarie turn to him and pushes him back then kicks him in the knee he goes down on one knee then she takes his night stick and hits him in the side of the head 3 more guys come 2 grab her from behind she starts screaming the other guy puts cuffs on Carmon and lays her on the ground then tase's her one guy takes the night stick away from Clarke's hands then the other 2 tase her in the back of the neck she screams then slowly goes to the ground she sees a girl walk up to her

(Camilla ) you put up shut a fight you could be a great Soldier

(Clarie ) who..... are..... Hugh.......

Saying it as she's going to sleep Clarie closes her eyes and puts her head down


There are 5 soldiers standing outside the 2 lab doors for cover then there are 10 soldiers in the room standing around them Clarie,chloe,carmon,cassie and natie are all handcuffed to separate polls chloe is in the middle of the room in front of Camilla they don't have their weapons Camilla took them away.

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