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K was currently in a call with Kinny because K was now at their hotel. (I don't know if they stayed at a hotel but...)

"I don't even come in a bottle, I come in a bag." Kinny said, making K facepalm. "Kinny your grounded I swear." "YOU CANT GROUND MEH!"

Nova then randomly joined the call, "HEY HEY HEY, WHATS GOIN ON IN HERE!" Nova yelled. Nova then picked up a mug/glass/cup idk of peach tea. (I pay attention) "SEND ME SOME!"

Nova took a sip, "THE BEST PART OF WAKIN UP, IS-" K cut her off, "No Nova. You're grounded too." K said. "Aww..." Nova pouted.

Then Danny sudden joined the call, "Heeyyy!" Danny said. "WE NEED MASON, THE SQUAD NEEDS TO BE COMPLETE." K yelled, asking Mason to come.

Mason finally joined and K took a picture, "THE SQUAD IS HERE!" Yelled K. Danny smiled happily, he loved seeing K smile like that.

K's eyes were shining happily, as their smile was large and enthusiastic. Their braces showing, "Danny your staring at K." Nova pointed out.

That made Danny snap out of his gaze and look down with a small blush. "O-oh sorry." Said Danny, apologizing to K.

K smiled, "It's okay boober- I MEAN DANNY!" K then blushed. Danny blushed harder and KINNY started to smile. Showing her gummy smile she took a picture quickly along with Nova. Mason looked at Nova and Kinny.

"Send meh it!" Mason said, Kinny and Nova nodded. As K and Danny looked back up they changed to subject to something else.

Yet they knew that all they thought about was just seeing each other. Face to face. No scream protecting them.

They could finally hug, hold hands, and cuddle. They could be closer, literally.

Kai X DannyWhere stories live. Discover now