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[A/N: Sorry if there are any mistakes, English isn't my first language. And even in that one I still commit gramatical mistakes.]

-Toph?-he mumbled against the phone.

-Yeah?-the also heartbroken girl answered from the other end.

-I hate high school.-he admited in a defeated tone.

-Me too.-she agreed brokenly.

There was a moment of silence in which the two came into an unspoken agreement.

-I don't know what this would mean to our group, Aang.-she finally confessed.-I don't think I will be able to be around Sokka after tonight.

-Agreed.-he sighed.-Same for me, with Katara I mean.

-At least we have each other, don't we?-Toph tried to be the optimistic one, noticing how depressed her fun-loving and cheerful friend sounded.-I mean...we are best friends, right?

-Yeah.-Aang agreed with a weak and sad smile.-We are stuck tight.

-And nobody will pull us apart.-she continued with their strange but precious oath.

-For we are stitched up.

They both laughed, remembering how they came up with that silly vow, and how much time they spent perfectionating it.

-Yes.-Toph breathed out after so much laughter, feeling ecstatic.-That means that you have to wait for me at the goddamn school at exactly 7 a.m., not later or sooner. Got it, BFF?

-What are you scheming now, Toph?-he asked suspiciously.

-I don't schem, I plan.-she corrected, unphased.-Just let the Melon Lord take action, Twinkle Toes.-she smirked.

-Sweet monkey feathers.-Aang sighed knowing he couldn't stop that...that...whatever it was!-Here we go.

-Bring the green neon paint.-she instructed.-Operation: Revenge is better served cold, or ORIBSC for short, starts now.

-You even named it?!-he shouted increduosly.

But she had already hung up.


A month ago...

-So, my parents wanted me to go to a school for blind children, ya know?

-No, I don't.-he happily replied.

-Don't sass me, I'm talking.-she reprimanded half-heartly.-But I decided to come to this stupid high school instead because I want to feel like a normal kid for the first time in my life.

-You just didn't want to interact with other people that wasn't me.-he pointed out smartly.

-Shut up, Twinkle Toes. I am pretty social, what gave you a different idea?

-You changed your schedule three times so you could have all your classes with me.

-So, what?!-she exclaimed indignintaly.-Can't I spend more time with my best friend now or what?

-This goes much deeper than talking to strangers, doesn't it?-he incquired calmly, ignoring the weird stares they were getting by the other kids in the cafeteria.-Did your parents tell you to not talk with me ever again because they think I'm a bad influence on you?

-You know how they are.-she sighed, plopping down again on the table.-They've been breathing down my neck all summer.

-They love you, Toph.-he informed the obvious.

High school, it can't be worse than middle school, can it? (ATLA AU)Where stories live. Discover now