The beggining

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Chap 1

Emma finally woke up by that awful sound her alarm made, after thousand times of hearing it obviously...

Emma's POV

Oh my godness! Fuck! I didnt made that freaking history assignment of 10 freaking pages! Dammit!!!!! I need to go to work at 10 and its 8, better start that shit.

End of POV

She started doing it, after 1 hour and half of kinda exploting her head she was finally done! Thank God!!!!

There was just half and hour to get ready, She took a super quick bath and tie her hair in a top knot then she puted on some denim leggings with a cute shirt that sayed "hate Mondays" (it was Monday), she makeup up a little bit herself and that wasnt a good makeup what can you think a girl can make in kinda 25 minutes?!

She went out of her appartment running the fastest she could and entered to her car.

Just 10 minutes to get there, she put on her favorite radio and it was playing royals by Lorde, she turn on the car and drived the fastest she could.

Niall's POV

After that long flight yesterday I feel like if I was kick by a train, but anyways I need to leave now, they are just 10 minutes to 10 and supossed to Simon I need to be there by 10 so better hurry up.

How the hell I was gonna go to my work?!

I tryed to stop a taxi but it was useless because that obviously didnt worked in New York city, I thought that was just a movie thing but no believe me you can't stop a taxi like that in New York city

How ironic this was, me Niall Horan member of One Diretion trying to stop a taxi in New York city yeah you read right Niall Horan...

After thousands of time ,I jell the loudest I could and finally a stupid taxi stopped, I get on it and said Take me to Subway restaurant in 4th avenue if you can consider fast food at a restaurant *I laught* please I need to be there now! The man take me the fastest and I was there at 10:30 yeah pretty late!

end of POV

Emma got just in time at 10:1 haha, Subway was pretty full many people were on line an it was just her and a stupid teenager called Katie attending the people.

Katie: Emma I need to leave I have a family thing, can you take care? There is supossed to came a guy to work today for 1st time pleasse attend him okay?

Emma: okay its fine. bye

Emma was exausted of making thousands of sandwiches just by herself, then a blonde with light eyes came in

Niall POV

I entered to Subway, they were many people there and then my eyes met with the eyes of this really really pretty girl. Shes really hot, No Niall this is work, but just see her Fuck she's so perfect!

Noo Niall, Simon send you to work not to fall in love like an idiot!

Will Niall fall in love?!


Hey guys this is Tamara! I hope you like this fanfiction, It's my first so I don't have many experience but I'm doing my best! Give me some advice and opinions, I'll like to read them!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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