Chapter 1- Welcome To The Host Club

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     "Why do you always walk to school Christina? You might dirty your uniform or even worse, mess up your hair!" I Shrug.

     "It's only because I like to get some exercise. Besides, I love walking." Eveything I just said was a lie. Honestly, I hate walking. The sun practically boils me, my hair flys away and sticks up at unimaginable angles.. not my cup of tea. But I have to walk. 

     Though I may attend the most luxurious acadamy in Japan, Ouran High School, I'm just a common girl. But that's a secret. I'm actually a really poor person, I spend my time working at a small cafe by an apartment building. I've worked there for a year now, though I'm technically under the age limit but no one can tell. I've worked at the cafe since I was 13, a year after my mother died in a car accident. It was too much for my father to bear, so he left me alone. But I never told anyone.

     My wealthy uncle pays for my school because he is too weak to fly down to Japan to take care of me, but I've been fine on my own for the most part. Through everything I've been through in the last few years, i've tried to remain optimistic. I guess it's a little tricky at times, but everyone has their own struggles and this is mine. 

     I walk through the entrance of the school and gather my things. I pass many elegant students of this acadamy, hair pinned perfectly, flawless skin, and more money than I can ever hope to see. The days go by slowly here, the classes make no sense and the people around me annoy me half to death, but I keep my cool like I know I have to. 

    "Christina, can I borrow a pencil?" Kaoru leaned across his desk. I sigh. Kaoru had been using up all of my pencils since the first day of school. I open the zipped pocket of my binder and pull out one of my crappiest pencils. You would think he would have his own stash, but I guess things don't work that way. I hand it to him, and he thanks me. He promises to return it, but I know it's just a white lie. 

    I tap the eraser of my pencil anxiously waiting for my class to begin, when I feel a pair of eyes on my back. I peer behind Kaoru to see Hikaru shooting a menacing glare in my direction. I've never really been on good terms with Hikaru, he's always been colder and heartless when I'm around. But Kaoru treats me like a friend, and that's a good feeling. Now that I think about it. i've never actually seen the twins socialize much besides to one of my classmates, Haruhi. Yet again, I hardly ever see them anywhere except class. 

     I avert my eyes toward Hikaru and give him a confused look. He blows a burst af air out of his nose and turns away from me. I don't think  I will ever understand what truly runs through his mind. As I motion to doodle on my scratch piece of paper, I feel a cool hand on my shoulder. So cold that it seeps through the fabric covering my shoulder and sends a shiver down my spine. Bailey. 

     "So who's your favorite Host?" She asks me, deep blue eyes searching my brown ones for answers. I shake my head. 

     "What do you mean by Host?" She inhales a loud gulp of air, almost like a gasp gone rogue. 

     "The Ouran Host Club?! You've been here for a month already and you haven't heard of them? Looks like we'll just have to stop by later today." She quickly turns my head towards the seats of the Hitachiin twins and pulls me by the ear to whisper in it. "You see those guys?" I'm considering answering with a sarcastic remark, but I figure she wouldn't have enough brain cells to understand it was a joke. So instead I nod. "Those twins are members of the club! They really are something! They used to be antisocial losers who would play girls' hearts just for giggles, but look what they've grown into!"

     I could practically see the hearts in her eyes as the found their way to Hikaru, who was chatting with his brother about something that had to do with putting a tac on someone's chair, but I wasn't listening too well. I process what Bailey has stuffed into my brain, the twins were antisocial outcasts? I glance over to them for a moment and try to imagine them as stoic figures without emotion. But it's hard because their faces CAN'T lack expression no matter how hard I try to picture it. All I can see them as is what they are now: just a pair of mishievous twins. 

   The teacher knocks the chalkboard with a ruler a couple times to get our attention and I realize the learning is just about to begin. 


    "Music room 3?" I ask. Bailey nods and brushes her hands over her gown before she takes a breath and opens the door. For a second I think I'm going blind, because the light is so bright, but soon my eyes adjust and petals shower me down to my toes. The aroma is too strong and I have an allergy to perfumes and strong scents, so of course I cough like a maniac. 

   Bailey's eyes glisten like she's seen a celebrity and she leads the way in. I cough even louder, to the point where I think I'll suffocate just by breathing. Prickles of sweat line my brow as my lungs struggle for air. I knew I would die someday but I never thought it would be from the smell of roses. "Christina, are you doing alright?" I clear my throat.

"Just dandy" She tilts her head. 

"Dandy?" I shake my head. I didn't think she would understand it anyways. As I'm about to cough again, I feel fingers underneath my chin and my eyes lock with those of a boy. 2nd year student Tamaki Souh. I immediately swallow back my potential cough and choke on it. I stumble backwards to find another boy catches me. 3rd year student Takashi Morinozuka. I regain my balance and clear my throat one last time. I let out a breath to signal the end of my coughing fit and the boys, and Bailey look at me wide-eyed. Tamaki shakes of his surprise and gets back into character.

"Would you like a glass of water, beautiful maiden?" It took awhile, but in all the chaos I didn't even realize the boys were in medieval uniforms? I shake my head. 

"N-no thank you." I pat my uniform free of any dirt or dust that may have been lingering on it. Before Tamaki can reply, I feel a tug at my gown to see a cute little boy with soft blonde curls and deep honey eyes. "Hi! Welcome to the Host Club!" He says kindly. He holds a bink stuffed bunny, and offers it to me. "This is Usa-chan! You can hold her." He smiles an adorable smile. I hold the bunny for a little while before returning it.

"What's your name?" I ask the boy. Tamaki speaks for him.

"He's 3rd Mitsukuni Haninozuka-senpai" My mouth drops. This guy's a 3rd year?! In the midst of my excitement, I notice two boys walk toward us. 

"Hey Christina" Kaoru greets. Hikaru doesn't say anything. 

"You know this maiden, Kaoru? Hikaru?" Hikaru sits himself up. 

"She's in a couple of our classes, same year. But that's it." Hikaru says coldly. 

"Hikaru! Don't be so rude to our guest!" Tamaki scolds/pleads. I gesture my hands to show it'sno big deal. I see Kyoya Ootori from the corner of my eye. I can tell he's lookingme over, like he knows I'm hiding something. 

"Oh Kyoya! We have a new guest! Introduce yourself!" Tamaki calls him over. He flips through the pages pinned to his clipboard. 

"Uh, hi, I'm-" He cuts me off.

"-Christina Mizori, 1st year with Hikaru and Kaoru. I've heard a bit about you, your famous for walking to school everyday instead of taking a high end form of transportation." I can see my reflection in the glare of his glasses. I gulp so only I can hear it. 

"Yes, that's right." I see Hikaru roll his eyes and slouch against one of the pillars of the music room. Suddenly I feel very uncomfortable. My eyes zoom onto the clock in the far east in the room and a pang hits my heart. I'm gonna be late for work! "Oh um, I'm sorry but I need to be going.. I have Violin practice in a half an hour so I have to take my leave. It was nice to.. er.. meet you all!" Hikaru sneers.

"Wait Christina, I still haven't got to show you the wonders of the Host club!" Bailey proclaims. I stumble my way to the door and look back. 

"It's okay, maybe next time." The boys all look confused of why I'm acting so strangely. The reason is, this will be my final tardy from work if I'm late. My boss said if I miss deadline one more time I'm cut. So I need to get to my job no matter how embarrassing I look. Before I slide my hand onto the gold handle and open the doors to the exit, I make eye contact with a girl I knew from middle school: Haruhi Fujioka.

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