Chapter 2- Shocker

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     I closed the door and pushed myself against it. She saw me, she knows me! I've known Haruhi went to this school, but I was hoping she wouldn't recognize me. I don't want her to remember me, the old me.  I take a breath and close my eyes for a second. It'll be okay. She probably didn't notice it was me. But I know there was a hint of recognization in her eyes. 

    I run through the school and my eyes flicker to the clocks hanging in the hallway. If I don't hurry, I'll be homeless. I run across the street, and across the corners. I stop at the bus stop only to see the next posted time for departure is 4 while my job starts at 3:45. I breathe heavily from running so far, but I suck it up. I have 30 minutes to run to my apartment, then to the cafe. I wipe the dots of sweat from my forehead and sprint down the road. 

     I skid to a stop in front of my apartment building and clumsily search my key ring for the house key. I slip it into the lock and open it. I rush to put on my uniform, a simple apron with my identity badge, then I check the clock on my phone. 15 minutes. 


     I open the door with haste and click my badge into the timer. I made it! I swipe the hair that sticks to my forehead and pull it back. "Christina, I see you're here" I feel the smile of one of my uncle's friends, Juliet.  Juliet used to work as a maid for my uncle in France, when Juliet decided to move down to Japan to expand her business this little cafe was created. That's right, she is the owner, that's why I've been able to work here although I'm underage. Juliet's been a motherly figure to me since mom passed away. It always makes me happy when she stops in. 

     She leads me to a booth and waves to my boss, letting him know it's alright for her to relieve me from my duties for a little while. I scoot myself into the leather booth, my clammy hands stick to the material. "I just wanted to ask you something, Christina" She has a look of seriousness, but Juliet has never really been much of the serious type. "It's a very important favor..." My heart stops. She has to have a serious favor if she's asking me like this. 

     She slips a pad of paper onto the table, followed by a pen. Though our booth is pretty secluded from the rest of the cafe, she still leans over the dainty little table and tugs on my ear. "I need you.... to get me.." I brace myself for the importance. "A SIGNERATURE FROM HIKARU?" She falls back in her seat. I blink. Wat. 

"Ehh, Julie.. You do realize he's in high school..Right?" I gulp. I've never seen her so excited for something. How popular is this Host Club anyways?! 

"You're probably wondering how I know about it, well I plan to do business with a very important company on the other side of town, and the head chief there says he will only accept my terms if I can get a signerature for his daughter." She claps her hands together.

"Wait, wait, wait. That makes no sense! How does this girl know about the Host Club? And what's so special about Hikaru?" She shakes her head.

"I may have mentioned that one of my employees goes to Ouran Academy, and the little daughter of the-"

"-Little daughter? How old is she?"

"Six, but anyways-"


"Six, but the story behind it is: The little girl, Lily, went to Ouran on visiting day last month with her cousin who's a senior student. She met Hikaru and ever since she's been obsessed, according to her father. And according to the same source, his daughter is annoying him halfto death and he believes this will shut her up." 

"Why doesn't she just ask her cousin?" I ask. It only seems reasonable. 

"She was expelled" She sits farther back into her seet, it meshes backwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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