Prologue {1}

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Natsu's POV

I was running. I was so tired but I didn't stop running. I couldn't stop running. If I did... they would catch me. All five of them. So instead, I ran.

I made a sharp left and immediately started to climb the big tree that magically appeared. I had lost one of them on my turn but the other four just kept following me like nothing had happened.

Once situated on a large sturdy branch, I reached into my makeshift bag and pulled out my bow and one arrow. I set the arrow on fire with my magic before taking aim.

I didn't want to kill anyone, I just wanted to slow them down so I could escape.

One Alpha had started to climb the mystical tree but failed miserably as he slipped on a transparent branch and fell. I heard his bone crack and a loud groan.

The other Alphas seemed to take him as an example and started looking for other ways to bring me down.

I sighed in relief putting my bow and arrow away as I gently kissed the bark of the magical tree before giving it some of my magic as a thank you. I felt it purr under my touch and smiled. That was a plus side of being an Omega, nature was your best friend.

After a while, the Alphas down below started to get comfortable and set up camp for the night. I too started to get comfortable on the tree, thinking of ways to escape while the Alphas were sleeping.


It was pitch black when I opened my eyes. No moon in sight as I lit a small flame on my index finger. I carefully, quietly unraveled myself from the tree branches clinging to me in affection and slowly climbed down. I landed on my feet and looked around the little camp that the Alphas had set up. One Alpha was on lookout, but even he was asleep leaning on another tree.

I made a short but loud whistle and out came my companion. He was a blue tiger with white wings and I had the liberty to name him Happy. Happy stalked towards me, sensing the importance of being quiet and I hopped on him before he took off.

Away we went farther and farther as I searched for a stream my only source of light was my magic as Happy steered us to water.

Once we landed, I started to build a small camp for Happy and I using dead branches and leaves. I gave Happy some of my magic and cuddled next to him, sleeping the rest of the night away.


It happened so fast. I didn't even know what had happened until it was over. He was there, right on top of me, and I couldn't even scream to alert Happy. His onyx eyes yelled dominance, and before I could even realize it, I was slicking. My hole quivering to be filled by the massive man in front of me.

"Look what we have here." I moaned at the sound of his voice and smell. And boy did he smell good. Like snow and mint and I would be lying if I said that I didn't like it.

Because I loved it.

I bared my neck in submission, my cinnamon firewood scent mingling nicely with his. The Alpha took a glance at the mark on my shoulder and smirked.

I'll be damned if that smirk was legal.

"My my, what a powerful Omega." His breath fanned my face and I was absolutely positive that I blacked out for a split second.

His nose probed my neck before I felt the light butterfly kisses. I moaned loudly in agony because I was so wet and ready for him. I wanted that hot thick organ in me.

I wanted him to claim me, mark me, breed me.

He was close, so close. I could feel his teeth about to sink down on my flesh, to make me his.

Then, out of nowhere, He was off of me. In that same split second, Happy had started to fly. I don't know how, but I ended up on Happy's back as he rode us away.

Still high off of Alpha, my Omega whined, my hole still pulsing in emptiness. After I had come back to my senses, tears of embarrassment and shame started to streak down my face.

They were right. Alphas were absolutely evil. My Omega cried with me as Happy and I rode off.

I gave Happy a gentle pat on his head for saving me, thankful that he was around when I got attacked.

"Thanks, bud," I croaked through my tears.

Happy purred in approval and we continued our journey away from all Alphas.

I shook my head in sadness. I still couldn't believe that I had to endure this for another two weeks.

With that Alpha with the onyx eyes still out there, I knew that it would be a miracle if I didn't get caught.

Especially by him.


Question of the Chapter:

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Thank you guys so much for reading my trash. If you wish to see something in this story just PM me, I'm open to all ideas! Don't forget to vote, comment, fan, and share!

Bye my gaybabies
And don't forget to SHINE!

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