Natsu {4}

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*Warning Mature content ahead. Readers discretion is advised.


Natsu's POV

"Do you need help?"

"Huh?" I turned to the Beta worker that had caught my attention.

"Omega, do you need help? You've been wandering around looking lost for some time now."

"Oh! Uh, I need to piss. Is there a river nearby or in one of these big rooms?"

The Beta worker ignored me, instead calling me to follow her as she led me to three different doors.

"Is the river in- oop, she's gone. Okay, Natsu, you got this. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe..." By the time I was done with my enchantment, I had landed on a door with an 'α' sign.

There was no river inside but large stalls on one far side of the room and white bowl-like things on the other. Everything was so clean but confusing. Why didn't they have small rivers here? It would be so easy just to soak and let go.

I looked around the walls and found a picture of a person peeing into the bowls. Ah, so that was how they worked.

"Why do Alphas make everything so complicated?" I whined under my breath. I walked my way to one of the bowls and was shocked when it flushed out of nowhere. I let out a manly screech and quickly backed away from the thing.

Why... just why.

I braved the white bowls again after a few minutes and was thankful for all mighty mother nature when it didn't go off. But now I was stuck with another challenge... how was I going to pee in this dress?

I tried to reach for the zipper behind my back but gave up after a few tries. Looks like I was going to have to do this the old fashion way.

I bent down and started to shimmy the dress up my legs until my lower parts were free and attempted to do my business hands-free. I'm not going to lie, it got a bit messy, but as long as I was relieved, I was fine.

I backed away again and wasn't as shocked to notice that the bowl flushed itself again.

I'm never doing this again.

Just as I was leaving, someone bumped into me, and before I knew it, I was eye level with two gloriously big pecs and pretty pink nipples.

"Watch where you're fucking go-... wow."


"You're lying!" Levy screeched as she erupted in a fit of giggles.

"I'm dead serious," I proclaimed loudly, holding back my giggles as well.

"Wow, Alphas are so dumb and clumsy. I knew they were stupid, but wow," Lucy added as she crossed her arms over her chest. I didn't like Lucy much; I found her obnoxious and loud (which is rich coming from me), but Levy liked her, so I tolerated her.

"Guys, they just posted the rankings," A short, white-haired Omega (I had learned that her name was Yukino) informed us. She started to walk to the recreational room, and the three of us followed.

Just before entering the unnecessarily large room, I noticed Mavis and Mira speaking to each other behind one of the pillars.

"We need to make sure he makes the top ten," Mavis whispered, "Under no circumstances can we allow him to get shipped away to the illegal factions. Do whatever you need to do to make sure he participates in The Chasing."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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