A story

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"The decision is yours. Over and out"

That was the last thing I remember ever saying to my best friend, but that was 2 years ago.

My name is Shayler and I am 15 years old, my best friend is gone and no one knows where. I am the only one that knows why.

It all started when Kyle, my best friend learnt how to drive, he is two years older than me. His parents were always fighting and his sister was never home, that's why I never blamed him for doing what he did.

He'd just gotten a fancy new car and he was taking me for a drive, when he dropped me at home he gave me a fragile, well-wrapped gift, I gave him a confusing look, he smirked and told me to open it, so I did. It was a walkie-talkie and a necklace that had been engraved. The words said, "always remember me." I was confused again but he just gave me a look, as if to say it will all make sense.

That night I was lying in bed, playing with the necklace, when I heard a crackling sound. I realised it was the walkie-talkie I had hidden under my pillow. I answered his pleas; I heard glass smashing in the back ground.

Then he spoke. The words he said to me that night have never left my mind. He said "I can't take this any longer, I'm going away for a while, don't come find me... I won't come back."

The last few words he said we replaying in my mind. "Don't come find me... I won't come back." I had to speak go him one last time before he left. I grabbed the walkie-talkie and said, "Kyle, come in Kyle, are you there?" I got a response after a few daunting seconds, "I'm here Shayler, but only for a little while, I could hear sirens blaring in the background. That's when I realised that he really wasn't kidding and he was getting away as fast as he could.

"I just wanted to say goodbye Kyle, I will miss you everyday, I will never forget you, and I hope that one day you will come home to me," I cried into the speaker. A response came through not long after, "maybe someday Shayler, maybe someday." When I didn't hear his voice anymore, I whispered into the speaker, "the decision is yours. Over and out."

I got no response and that was when I realised I had lost my best friend. I didn't know where he was or when he was coming back. All I knew was that I could not tell anyone.

A tiny flutter in my heart told me to always keep waiting, hoping he might one day come back to me.

That was 4 years ago today. I have always had a tiny flicker of hope in my heart that he will one day come back to me. I still have the walkie-talkie, and I am always hoping that one day I'll hear his voice come though the speaker.

Today my dreams came true, well almost anyway. I received a letter in the mail today; it didn't have a return address or anything like that. I was really curious, and you know the saying curiosity killed the cat, but hey cats have 9 lives, so I opened it anyway. This is what it said,

Dear Shayler,

I don't have much time so I can only do this once. If you still remember me, meet me at the old cave where we used to hang out when we were little. I'll be waiting there for you tonight until 11:30pm. If you don't come, I will leave and will assume you forgot who I was. I really hope to see you there I want to see your beautiful face again. Please come.

One more thing: come by yourself. I assume you have your license by now. Don't bring anyone else with you. Don't tell anyone about this.

I hope I can speak to you one more time.

Love always, Kyle xoxo

I didn't need to be asked twice. In fact, I packed straight away. I had just finished packing when my mum came into my room and asked what I was doing. I had to think fast because I knew she would never let me go. That's when she noticed the necklace. I have had it on since Kyle gave it to me, and she only just noticed it. "Where did u get that..." She didn't get to finish her sentence, because there was a knock at the door. " I guess I should go answer the door, but you haven't gotten out of it, you still need to tell me where your going." That was my chance, but she was at the door, so the only way for me to escape was out the window. The only problem with that was that I live in a two-story house and my room is on the second floor. I had to get to Kyle. Call me crazy, but I decided to try tying sheets together and climbing out the window. I found some old sheets at the top of my closet, so I tied them together and threw them out of my window. I started climbing down, heart beating loudly. I finally got to the end of the rope and released. I was still about five meters away from the ground, and to make matters worse the sheet I was currently holding onto was coming loose. Before I knew it I had landed on the ground with a thud. I didn't break anything but I would have a nice bruise on my butt later. I grabbed my keys and started the engine, it wasn't a long way to the cave, but it was late and I didn't want to risk walking, because I would have to walk past the bar.

I finally got there and I couldn't contain my excitement when I saw his car there. He was here. I was finally going to see him again. After three years I was finally going to see him again. I was so excited I jumped out the car and ran into the cave. What I saw couldn't have made me any happier. Not only was he taller, but he looked like a god. He was all muscle, his blond hair was longer and his blue eyes lit up when he saw me. "You came?" He seemed surprised. "Of course I did, silly", I was quick to respond. I hugged him tightly never wanting to let go.

"So where were you hiding?" I was not really expecting him to respond. "Well..." He started, "for a while I was at Liam's house." I was shocked why did he never tell me? "But then I saw you and realised that it was a mistake leaving you." I then moved to out here, and that's when I finally decided to get you to come."

"I needed to see you again, and this is going to sound so cliché but I... I kinda, ummm..."

"Just say It Kyle, we're best friends, you can tell me anything." "Umm, I have been wanting to tell you this for ages, but things just didn't work out the way I wanted it to. Shayler, I love you."

To be honest, I was shocked, but over the moon. I had always liked him, and when he said he loved me I couldn't help but realise that I loved him to. But then I remembered I had to get home before mum woke up, other wise I was dead. I knew he wouldn't come back, he couldn't, wouldn't, but it was still worth a try.

"So", I thought out loud "where does that leave us now?" "I was going to ask the same thing" Kyle responded. "I know you won't come back Kyle, but maybe they've changed. Maybe they have realised that they love you." "Maybe they have Shayler, but I can't go back now. I don't know where that leaves us but I hope one day you will be able to come and live with me forever. Shayler I have something to ask you, from the day I first met you I fell in love with the way you laugh, the way we can talk about anything and everything.

Shayler will you..." He stopped. I turned around, only to immediately regret it. Right there, standing in front of us, was Kyle's abusive father, and boy, let me tell you, he looked angry! He looked like he would kill you if you looked at him wrong. Wait, let me rephrase that, he looked like he would kill you if you looked at him full stop. I guess I wasn't going home anytime soon because Kylie's dad was blocking the door. I sighed, that's when he finally noticed me. I didn't know what he was going to do but I knew I definitely wouldn't like it.

AN: will update soon xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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