Happy Father's Day

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Father's Day, that one day in the year where fathers around the world get treated nicely. Flowers being received, the house being cleaned, picnics made and eaten. The day that brought smiles to the various fathers of the world being around their families and being spoiled by them.

Jeonghan wanted to do something special as well, just to show his thanks for everything. He wanted to show his thanks to his one and only, leader. Seungcheol, more known as S.Coups, the leader of the boy group Seventeen, was Jeonghan's lovely boyfriend that would do pretty much anything for him and the others. Someone was thirsty? He was the first one to buy drinks for everyone just in case they thirsty as well. Someone was tired? He made sure that they were able to take a nap without anyone noticing or bothering them.

Jeonghan had to admit, Seungcheol was everything he ever wanted and admired in a person. Seungcheol was always so nice and caring, always noticing the little things, like what his favorite flowers were, how he styled his hair and what his favorite movie was. Not only was he a great leader, but he was also an even better person. The way he cared for the members, always putting them before himself and making sure that they were healthy. The way how he held Jeonghan after a long day at practice or when he tried his best to braid Jeonghan's once long hair. (He had a bit of help from Jeonghan's younger sister.) It showed him how much the leader cared and how adorable he could be, using his aegyo to convince Jeonghan to do something for him. Don't even get him started on his body, his beautifully built body that had Jeonghan drooling over, but also cuddle into during the night, that held him snugly to the eldest.

What better way to thank his lovely boyfriend, than to suprise him on Father's Day? Jeonghan made the boys clean up the dorm while Seungcheol was out with the Rocket Line and once they were finished, he made dinner for Seungcheol and him. (More like he forced Mingyu to make them a fancy dinner.) After everything was set out, he sent out all the boys, making sure that they left for the night, so that they wouldn't be disturbed by the two eldest's "boombooming".

They had a cute dinner, Mingyu's Jeonghan's food tasted delicious. They had a big plate of spaghetti, Lady and Tramp style and a bottle of Seungcheol's favorite wine. (It was expensive but totally worth it.) Throughout the meal, sensual touches and sexual remarks came from Jeonghan, causing Seungcheol to get turned on and wanting. When the two finished eating, Jeonghan stood up from the table and smiled devilishly down at Seungcheol, '' Go to our bedroom and wait for me there love. '' he stated simply, swaying his lips lightly as he walked to their shared bathroom, leaving the leader shocked and with a hard on. The elder quickly scrambled up and made his was to their shared room and sat down on the bed, anxiously waiting for Jeonghan to appear with pink cheeks, pink lips and lightly blown out eyes. Once he heard the door open, his mind when blank and his jaw dropping slightly at the sight, his erection straining against his jeans now.

Jeonghan stepped out of the conjoining bathroom, wearing only a pair of pastel pink lace panties that crossed in the back, matching thigh highs and a short silky skirt that barely covered his throbbing sex. He looked over at his boyfriend sitting on their shared bed, eyes wide and blown out with lust, eyes drinking in his barely covered body and looking absolutely ravishing with his white shirt and ripped jeans that made his thighs look unbelievably hot, perfect for riding.

Jeonghan walked over slowly, making sure to sway his hips, just how Seungcheol liked it. Once in front of the elder, he let his fingertips run over Seungcheol's torso, leaning in close and whispering seductively in his ear, " You can have me however you want me, " pulling away with a kiss to the jaw, biting his lips and a mischievous look in his eyes.

Seungcheol swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing, " However, I want to...?" he asked, his hands on the younger's waist already, rubbing his thumbs over the soft skin. The younger nodded, sitting down on those glorious thighs that Seungcheol was proud of, placing his hands on the chest in front of him. " Any way you want me, you do so much for us and now it's time to do something for you too. Let me take care of you, daddy. "

Hearing the younger's sweet yet dirty words, Seungcheol pulled him in for a searing kiss, full of passion, love, and lust. He was quick to make of his shirt, throwing it across the room and opening his belt, letting the younger take off his lower garments. He hissed when the cool air of the room hit his hard cock, standing proudly against his abdomen.
He laid down, pulling Jeonghan down with him, only to roll over so that he was on top. With roaming hands, Seungcheol kissed open, sloppy kisses down the younger's body. Being sensitive already, Jeonghan let down soft moans and whimpers, hips rolling up only to be met with nothing. He let out a small gasp when he felt a kiss being pressed to his inner thigh. With a quick motion, his silk skirt was pulled down in a rapid movement and thrown across the room without a care as to where it would land.

Jeonghan could feel the smirk on his lover's face as his face got closer and closer to his sex, peppering kisses that made Jeonghan's head spin with lust. He moaned, his hands shooting to Seungcheol's hair, tugging when he felt his lover pull down his panties, his teeth grazing over the younger's length. " A-Ack! " he brought out, the kiss to the tip of his cock afterwards already feeling too much for him.

Usually Jeonghan didn't receive blow jobs, instead, he was usually the one to give them. Of course, he got help when he needed, but they mostly consisted of hand jobs or being fingered. Blow jobs were pretty much only for special occasions, like birthdays or holidays. But he didn't mind, in fact, he preferred giving blow jobs since he always got off on how drop dead sexy Seungcheol looked, sounded and tasted.

With a voice that was deeper than usual, Seungcheol purred out, " Patience kitten. " Jeonghan felt a shiver go down his spine at the sound of his boyfriend's voice. " On your hands and knees. " Seungcheol commanded to which Jeonghan immediately complied to.

Staring at his boyfriend's ass, Seungcheol rubbed over the soft skin of Jeonghan's ass before quickly letting his hand land a hard smack on the younger's right ass cheek. He smirked at his boyfriend's reaction, a moan and his back arching. " Doesn't my kitten love it when Daddy spanks you? " he cockily asked, already knowing the knowing the answer. Another spank came across the other cheek, to that also another moan. Continuing the spanking a bit, Seungcheol saw the bottle of lube and a condom foil lying on the pillow. He gave one harsh final smack to the younger's ass before leaning down to kiss the raw and sensitive skin. " Always so obedient and eager for Daddy, " he mumbled, before pulling away and moving to the head of the bed to grab the lube and the foil.

The elder opened the foil and rolled the rubber onto his dick, pumping slightly, moans spilling softly out of his mouth. Jeonghan whimpered in front of him, pushing his ass back slightly, his cock red, throbbing and needing release. '' D-Daddy... p-please... '' the younger moaned out, gripping the sheets under him. Seungcheol smiled down at the younger cockily, putting some lube on his fingers, rubbing them together to warm the gel up a bit. His gelled fingers circled around Jeonghan's hole and slowly pushed two fingers in, slowly pumping them in and out. Moans quickly filled the room, the air getting hotter and hotter with every second that passed.

Seungcheol pulled his fingers out, wiping them off on a tissue, throwing it and the condom foil away. " Get on your back love, " he said in Jeonghan's ear, who was shuddering and painfully hard. The younger quickly changed positions and spread his legs apart for his lover, already needy and completely submissive for the leader.

Pressing his length to Jeonghan's hole, he pushed in slowly, stilling for a moment, making sure that Jeonghan was alright, even after all the times that they had sex, he always made sure the other was comfortable before continuing anything, a trait that made Jeonghan's heart swell in love.

" P-please move... " the younger mewled out, his hips bucking up to feel any sort of friction. Dragging his hips slowly, the elder smiled down cockily at Jeonghan, " Beg for it. "

Jeonghan felt like he was about to cry, he couldn't believe that he had to beg. All he wanted was for Seungcheol to just completely wreck him. With red cheeks and teary eyes, he begged like the good boy he was, " Daddy, please fuck me so good, only you can make me feel so good! Please fuck me Da- " He couldn't finish his sentence, due to Seungcheol thrusting into him harshly. Seungcheol kept up this pace, gripping onto his partner's hips. " Such a good baby boy, only wanting Daddy's cock, " he growled, a smirk on his face.

Jeonghan was a moaning mess under his boyfriend, moans seemed to keep spilling out if his mouth endlessly. Pleasure and red hot lust seemed to fill every inch of his body. He quickly wrapped his legs around the leader's hips and his arms around Seungcheol's neck, bringing them closer and more pleasure.

Seungcheol was pulled down by the younger, his left hand going up next to Jeonghan's head, letting out soft groans himself. No matter how often he slept with Jeonghan, it always felt the first time, it never got boring or undesirable. " Fuck Hannie... " he murmured out, dipping his head down and leaving bites along the younger's neck and leaving small licks over the soft skin.

Jeonghan whimpered, he had the feeling that if Seungcheol would keep up this pace, he wouldn't be able to last long and he has barely been touched from the elder. '' Cheol... '' he moaned out while pulling out the vowel, tugging on the dark locks of hair of the elder, gaining a growl from the other. '' M-More! '' he cried out, his back arching and head thrown back. Seungcheol willingly complied to the younger's request, thrusting faster, almost pounding into Jeonghan.

Cries left the younger's mouth, he could feel his orgasm coming quickly, the familiar feeling building up inside of him. The same applied to the elder, his own peak coming quickly as well. He felt nails run down his back, he knew that it would definitely leave marks and that the members would never stop teasing him about it, but he felt no shame in showing them off, knowing that the reason he had them was that he fucked Jeonghan amazingly.

A wail left Jeonghan's lips when Seungcheol hit his G-Spot, leaving him with sobs leaving his mouth. '' R-right t-there! '' Jeonghan stuttered out, biting into Seungcheol's shoulder. Without hesitation, the elder rammed into the spot, over and over again, bringing them rapidly to their release.

'' So close... '' Jeonghan brought out, bringing his lips to Seungcheol's and into a searing hot kiss.

'' Let go. '' Seungcheol mumbled against his lips and two thrusts later, the younger's back arched, head thrown back and a loud moan along with the elder's name as he came all over his chest and a bit of Seungcheol's tummy. Seungcheol was brought to the edge as well with Jeonghan clenching around him, a long and low groan leaving his mouth with his head hanging low as he filled the condom with his seed along with a few shallow thrusts, letting the both of them ride out their highs.

Seungcheol pulled out slowly, kissing Jeonghan slowly, a kiss full of love and passion. He pulled back slowly from their kiss, standing up to get rid of the used protection. Once discarded in the bin, he plopped down next to Jeonghan, who was already in a half sleep daze, having an after sex glow that made him look like a literal angel.

'' Was I too rough? '' Seungcheol asked him, kissing his forehead and pulling the younger into him softly, running a hand over Jeonghan's side. Jeonghan just shook his head tiredly and cuddled into the elder with closed eyes, almost falling asleep and enjoying the warmth that was being radiated off. '' It was perfect as always Cheollie, I hoped that you liked your present. '' he said, giving a sloppy kiss to the elder's lips to which the other just smiled and nodded, eyes closing as well, '' I did Hannie, I really did, thank you. ''

'' Happy Father's Day Cheollie, I love you. ''

'' I love you too baby. ''  

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