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Rogue ran, and kept running. He couldn't bring himself to slow down even after he knew he was much too far away. In some respects, he knew he couldn't tear himself away at all. Flashes of what had happened seeped their way into his mind, but the emotions that came with the images were just too much, so Rogue just forced them away by focusing on pushing himself deeper and deeper into the forrest, hopelessly far from anything he knew.

Rogue didn't think for an instant to use his shadows. After what had just happened, Rogue had immediately resolved he would not be using his brand of magic any time in the foreseeable future. So instead Rogue used his muscles to propel himself forward. Rogue's feet tripped on roots, his legs caught every bush and thorn, but still he forced himself onward. Mentally and physically away.

The look on Sting's face-
But no. He couldn't think about it.
There was no Sting, there was no Sabertooth.
Not for Rogue, anyway, not after what happened.
More than anything, there was no Rogue.

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